In 2021, when Muratov co-received the #NobelPeacePrize, he dedicated the award to #NovayaGazeta’s “fallen” journalists who “gave up their lives for their profession”.
Since 2000, Novaya Gazeta has seen six of its journalists and contributors killed, including investigative reporter #AnnaPolitkovskaya, who was shot dead in #Moscow on President Vladimir #Putin’s birthday. #Ukraine
#Russia adds #Nobel prize-winning journalist #DmitryMuratov to list of ‘foreign agents’
#dmitrymuratov #nobel #Russia #ukraine #putin #Moscow #AnnaPolitkovskaya #novayagazeta #nobelpeaceprize
Number of the week: 2 million
#gmf #FreedomofSpeechAward #russia #dmitrymuratov
Russian Nobel winner can't say 'war,' so calls it 'hell'
#Russia #Ukraine #DmitryMuratov #GlobalMediaForum #DW #VladimirPutin #MikhailGorbachev
#mikhailgorbachev #vladimirputin #dw #globalmediaforum #dmitrymuratov #Ukraine #russia
GMF 2023 closes with calls to overcome divisions
#GMF2023 #GlobalMediaForum #Overcomingdivisions #DeutscheWelle #Day2 #PeterLimbourg #DmitryMuratov
#dmitrymuratov #PeterLimbourg #day2 #deutschewelle #overcomingdivisions #globalmediaforum #gmf2023
💥Wir unterstützen weiterhin den 10-Punkte-Plan von #PeopleVsBigTech und den Nobelpreisträger*innen #mariaressa
& #dmitrymuratov. Das Geschäftsmodell von #BigTech gefährdet unsere Demokratie. Vorschläge, wie es anders geht, findet ihr hier:
#peoplevsbigtech #mariaressa #dmitrymuratov #bigtech
Dmitry Muratov @ Tallinn Human Rights Conference: also the Western polititians have collective responsibility for the putin and russist regime. The west has legitimised the putinist regime with its oil euros and visits to the Kremlin. #DmitryMuratov #humanrights #NinaKhrushchova #russiaisaterroriststate #ÜlleMadiase #Tallinn
#dmitrymuratov #humanrights #ninakhrushchova #RussiaIsATerroristState #ullemadiase #tallinn