Changement d'instance veut dire nouvelle (enfin première même) #introduction !
Qui suis-je ?
Nicolas, consultant en #actuariat pour les compagnies d'assurances la semaine et #grimpeur le weekend.
Je m'intéresse à de nombreux sujets notamment IT (projets #opensource, #dn42).
Au plaisir de vous lire !
#introduction #actuariat #grimpeur #opensource #dn42
One of the stupidest things I've ever seen: In #Chromium-based browsers, if the #CSP header "form-action 'self';" is set, the page that is called after submitting the data must not have a 302 redirect. A possible workaround would be a page that redirects via JavaScript or via HTML meta tag. Therefore, I don't see the security benefit that this behavior offers. Firefox allows such redirects.
For me, this means that my web application BgpLookup only works in Firefox.
#dn42 #firefox #chrome #fail #csp #chromium
Hm. I can ping my peers link-local #wireguard address, but not the "ULA" one, although I configured wireguard-quick as per
ping just seems to "hang".
however, tcpdump brings the solution. I didn't set the IPv4 address, assuming IPv6 address suffices.
Somehow the replies comes back from IPv4?
My #dn42 application was successful.
Now to find peers, and set up the infrastructure. But that's a weekend project for some time.
Systemd and Linux Network Namespaces together are terrible, although each is very nice individually. I have seperated clearnet access and dn42 access via netns in a lab setup. For each program I wanted to use in both namespaces, I had to copy-paste and customize the Systemd unit. This is terrible. Too bad Systemd doesn't support this natively, but only with tricks.
#networknamespaces #netns #linux #networking #dn42 #systemd
What kind of reason is "I don't like the concept"?
Personally, I find netns very handy because you can easily isolate networks (for example, dn42 and the Clearnet). This is also what Kioubit does in dn42, for example. To reject a proposal with this reasoning I think is wrong.
#networknamespaces #netns #linux #networking #dn42 #systemd
Pinging the dn42 with kterm on a Kindle Paperwhite over a Freifunk (ICVPN) hotspot.
#dn42 #networking #kterm #Kindle #Paperwhite #KindlePaperwhite #Freifunk #ICVPN
#icvpn #freifunk #kindlepaperwhite #paperwhite #kindle #kterm #networking #dn42
I wrote something about Route Selection in BGP and how to influence it.
#routing #networking #dn42 #med #pathprepending #bgp
The CRXN/DN42 interconnection is up. 🥳 🎉 🥳 🎉 🥳 🎉
#ipv6 #networking #routing #dn42 #CRXN
I really want to build an open and decentralized network similar to #dn42 to practice a bit with #network #engineering. The beautiful thing is that there is literally a wealth of resources to be had simply for #googling. Anyone interested in collaborating?
#dn42 #network #engineering #googling
Betreibt jemand ein #dn42 Router in Berlin nahe DFN und mag mit mir peeren?
Die Ping von 5ms muss ich ausnutzen ^^