#nature #ResearchHighlight "Defeating the genome's guardians boosts a DNA-editing tool -- A promising alternative to the CRISPR system works better when scientists shut down the target cell's DNA repair systems. " #CRISPR #alternatives #DNAediting ... https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02837-4
#nature #researchhighlight #crispr #alternatives #dnaEditing
#nature #ResearchHighlight "Defeating the genome's guardians boosts a DNA-editing tool -- A promising alternative to the CRISPR system works better when scientists shut down the target cell's DNA repair systems. " #CRISPR #alternatives #DNAediting ... https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02837-4
#dnaEditing #alternatives #crispr #researchhighlight #nature