Imagine coming home from #school to.. #this 😅
#DNAngel #AlceaAnimu
I especially like how he's like
"Aw dang, the floor is gone, where am I gonna put my shoes now ??"
#school #this #dnangel #alceaanimu
* True Light - #DNAngel
#Whoopsie Stumbled into some #DNAngel.
Good #show actually. Proof that #XEBEC could do so much more if they were given #budget ( #RyuuseiNoRockman was great for the lil bjdget Cappy most likely made available for it) #AnimeAlcea
#whoopsie #dnangel #show #xebec #budget #ryuuseinorockman #animealcea
My Favorite #animes:
#fushigiyuugi #sailormoon #weddingpeach #kaitousainttail #akazukinchacha #cardcaptorsakura #magicknightrayearth #dnangel #ranma #speciala #MaidSama #yamatonadeshiko #maisonikkoku #ouranhighschoolhostclub #akatsukinoyona #kamisamakiss #kiminitodoke #animes