I just happened to come across this. It's a HOWLER!!!!
From 2013, laugh along with Dr #MarcLamontHill as we watch a vid of a #whitesupremacist #neonazi who took a #DNAtest
Hilarity ensues
#marclamonthill #whitesupremacist #neonazi #dnatest
Eine französische Stadt will ihr Hundekot-Problem lösen - per DNA-Test
"Ich kann die ganzen Häufchen nicht mehr sehen!" Der Bürgermeister der französischen Stadt Béziers hat dem Hundekot den Kampf angesagt: Damit zurückgelassene Häufchen zugeordnet werden können, müssen sich nun alle Hunde einem DNA-Test unterziehen.
#hund #hundekot #frankreich #dnatest #beziers
Father unknown
My silent truth revealed at last
A new family found
#dnatest #family #siblings #findingyourroots #haiku #poetry
#dnatest #family #siblings #findingyourroots #haiku #poetry
Had my #DNA sent off for testing.
Nothing exciting in the results. 8,000 people share some DNA with me…. The closest in the results are all 2nd cousins I’ve never heard of.
Nobody in the results shares my surname. Hmmmmmmm.
#Ethnicity? #Irish, #Scottish, #Welsh, #English with the addition of some #Scandinavian via the Vikings I guess.
#dna #ethnicity #irish #scottish #welsh #english #scandinavian #myheritage #dnatest
The #ancestry #ancestrydna process is difficult at every stage. I’ve found a workaround, and that’s to order the kit through #amazon. Ancestry gives absolutely no worthwhile information on their website, or through email help about getting the account and the test up and running. It’s all about the dollars, not the customer service. #genealogy #dna #dnatest #dnatesting
#ancestry #ancestrydna #amazon #genealogy #dna #dnatest #dnatesting
Now #ancestry won’t accept my #prepaid #creditcard. Life is sucking bad today. It’s the only #dnatest company who hasn’t accepted it. No idea why.
#ancestry #prepaid #creditcard #dnatest
#gop #facism #transphobia #ridiculous #DNATest #pronouns
What I found interesting was his use of they in his stupid diatribe.
“Say, they’re a boy, but they come to school and say they’re a girl. “ - stupid dumbf**k GOP politician.
#gop #facism #transphobia #ridiculous #dnatest #pronouns
No. You're NOT a Viking! #archaeology #genetics #DNAtest #history #heritage #vikings #norse #genes #research #anthropology
#archaeology #genetics #dnatest #history #heritage #vikings #Norse #genes #research #anthropology
Přišel mi balíček, budu zjišťovat další střípky ze své minulosti.
#MyHeritage #genealogie #rodokmen #DNAtest
#myheritage #genealogie #rodokmen #dnatest
Thankfully with the land in the care of the Forest Society the history and cultural significance is preserved as well as the critical natural beauty and ecosystem. I'm #grateful for the knowledge and ongoing learning I'm able to access now and it all began with my #DNAtest, my search for my truth, my identity, my #ethnicity and my #heritage.
#grateful #dnatest #ethnicity #heritage
Now one of the other neat things about the #DNAtest that I learned from .@Karpoozy on #TikTok is that you can download your #DNAresults & upload them to other sites. My Ancestry DNA file has been uploaded to 23&Me, MyHeritage, GEDMATCH, etc. etc.
Fellow genealogy enthusiasts, Ancestry's DNA + Traits test is on sale on Amazon for almost 60% off. Normally, the test goes for $120, but you can grab it today for only $50. shorturl.at/joqw7 #cybermonday #sale #amazon #ancestry #ancestrydna #dnatest #genealogy
#cybermonday #sale #amazon #ancestry #ancestrydna #dnatest #genealogy
@StoneScrubber In my experience, I've seen DNA matches on 23andMe who didn't test on any other site. Definitely worth doing! Wishing you good luck. #Genealogy #DNATest #Genealogy
My one Black Friday "treat yo' self" item was the 23andMe Health + Traits + Ancestry + Premium Membership bundle. I've been putting it off all year waiting for this annual sale. I do have my DNA tested a few other places (including Ancestry DNA) already, but I am curious to see what 23andMe also has to offer. #Geneadons #DNATest #Genealogy
#Geneadons #dnatest #genealogy
My one Black Friday "treat yo' self" item was the 23andMe Health + Traits + Ancestry + Premium Membership bundle. I've been putting it off all year waiting for this annual sale. I do have my DNA tested a few other places (including Ancestry DNA) already, but I am curious to see what 23andMe also has to offer. #Geneadons #Geneology #DNATest
#Geneadons #geneology #dnatest
Wondering if you're really related to all these people around the table today?? Enter to win a MyHeritage DNA kit! Drawing is Saturday night so hurry :) Details are on the blog post, but you can enter directly at https://pxl.to/mg5518av
#genealogy #Geneadons #FamilyHistory #DNA #DNAtest #MyHeritage #win #free #contest #giveaway #pleasesharethis #thankyou
#genealogy #Geneadons #familyhistory #dna #dnatest #myheritage #win #free #contest #giveaway #pleasesharethis #thankyou
I can only afford a Y 37 test from Family DNA right now. Any testers on here? Feedback welcome! #ydna #dnatest #dnatesting
@dreamsindigital I actually found some cousins in the West Coast that also took the 23andMe test. Not sure how specific you want but my result shoed the state of CA. #23andMe #Genertics #DNATest
Grundsätzlich wäre ich ja dafür, dass jedes AFD-Mitglied per DNS-Analyse nachweisen muss, dass es 100% deutschen Blutes ist - ohne irgendwelche Einflüsse von anderswo - sonst darf man nicht in die Partei #dnatest #dnaanalyse #dnafd 😈