Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1498 followers · 13397 posts · Server mstdn.social

, what could possibly go wrong? Science isn't really sure how it works, on a fundamental level.

"" are different from DNA but, "...can act as molecular scissors with precise specificity to cut RNA or DNA, or they can function as glue...Say you have a mutated gene...causing disease, we could get this DNA into the cells and...get rid of all that kind of message that's causing the proteins that lead to the disease."



#eugenics #human #dnazymes #dna #synthetic

Last updated 1 year ago

Sterling Ericsson · @sterlingericsson
138 followers · 142 posts · Server mstdn.science

Gene silencing, while highly useful, has limitations in how specific it can work. Meanwhile, DNA enzymes (DNAzymes) are so accurate they can pick out incorrect alleles in RNA sequences.

But the usage of these is curtailed by their low activity due to needing high environmental magnesium.

Now, researchers have developed a targeted DNAzyme without this problem, able to target disease-causing genes.


#DNA #RNA #medicine #Enzymes #dnazymes #genesilencing #Science #scicomm

Last updated 1 year ago