Just gonna leave this here for posterity.

RT @nannasmusic@twitter.com

Democratic National Committee: John Podesta Must Be Remove from DNC Convention Committees - Sign the Petition! chng.it/9hKFCG67 via @Change@twitter.com

🐦🔗: twitter.com/nannasmusic/status


Last updated 5 years ago

Wikileaks [bot] · @wikileaks
1888 followers · 10382 posts · Server social.jesuislibre.net

: Democrat Chair DWS called Pres of MSNBC Phil Griffin to stop @Morning_Joe being so sympathetic to Sanders t.co/SFHRpQYJqU


Last updated 6 years ago

Politicians want to lock up and even "drone" Assange.

Nobody EVER points out the fact that never had to retract any their posts.
Why is that?
Because the are true. is real, is a bullshit diversion smokescreen.

🔥 🌹

#bwhw #unhackthevote #voterfraud #electionfraud #dncleaks #wikileaks #shootthemessenger

Last updated 6 years ago

🚨Did you just pop in here & sign up to discredit or what?
You have zero followers, following no one & your 1 toot is weaksauce.

Assange denies that ish and his statements are bastardized by assholes.

In 2008, Wikileaks posted the membership list of the far-right BNP, did it again in 2009.

I'm personally thankful that we saw the released . I remember when exposed the and was there 4 !

#ChelseaManning #dncleaks #dncfraud #wikileaks #vault7 #clintonemails #podestaemails #assange

Last updated 6 years ago

Don't drag ALL Boomers FFS!

Everyone is an individual with unique life experiences.

Pre-internet, Boomers didn't know HALF the shit 2-party politicians were doing behind our backs.
Before exposed , etc., we couldn't prove ANY of this shit!

It's why and why we say if you don't vote people over party, don't bitch when things get worse. Don't blindly pull a lever, research your candidates. Your life and future depends on it!🌹

#demexithappened #dncfraud #podestapapers #dncleaks #julianassange

Last updated 7 years ago