RT @IncenseBerner@twitter.com
THIS is what's up! #RussianInterference is fabricated nonsense that has been tried 6 ways to Sunday for decades! #BernieOrBust #DNCRigging https://twitter.com/BethLynch2020/status/1230998051105509376
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IncenseBerner/status/1231011719939575808
#dncrigging #bernieorbust #russianinterference
THIS is what's up! #RussianInterference is fabricated nonsense that has been tried 6 ways to Sunday for decades! #BernieOrBust #DNCRigging
RT @BethLynch2020@twitter.com
I'm just so tired.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BethLynch2020/status/1230998051105509376
#dncrigging #bernieorbust #russianinterference
Just gonna leave this here for posterity sake:
#BernieIsTheFrontRunner and we're not going to stand for #DNCRigging with #Superdelegates that work for #CorporateSocialism #CorporateWelfare #CorporateGovernance
#corporategovernance #corporatewelfare #corporatesocialism #superdelegates #dncrigging #BernieIsTheFrontRunner
RT @IndyPressLive@twitter.com
@scaryfoxx@twitter.com @PeteButtigieg@twitter.com @DNC@twitter.com Suspicious activity in the last 5-days:
1. DNC changed rules to allow Billionaire candidate Bloomberg on debate stage
2. Des Moines Register final Iowa poll withheld
3. Iowa Caucus results withheld
4. #PrematurePete announces that he won with ZERO results
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IndyPressLive/status/1224694777133748225
#iowa #dncrigging #PrematurePete
RT @MimiTexasAngel@twitter.com
#DNCRigging should replace the dollars to candidates • https://twitter.com/jiveDurkey/status/1224676583421743110
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MimiTexasAngel/status/1224684428309516295
RT @PatTheBerner@twitter.com
In 2016, Twitter admitted to suppressing over half the tweets that used the DNCLeaks hashtag.
We're not going to let them steal another election.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PatTheBerner/status/1223445430681210880
RT @PatTheBerner@twitter.com
People promoting unity while undermining & trashing Bernie Sanders can fuck off.
Despite all their nonsense, Bernie's still the most favorable contender with the lowest unfavorable rating.
Now get out of the way so the only one who can beat Trump wins the primaries. https://twitter.com/DavidShuster/status/1223426061834379265
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PatTheBerner/status/1223462474285903872
RT @Bill_Cimbrelo@twitter.com
The DNC faces a tough decision...
Allow @BernieSanders@twitter.com to win the nomination, fair and square...
Or continue to subvert and sabotage the nomination process and thereby cause its own EXTINCTION, ultimately giving birth to a new party of Berniecrats.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Bill_Cimbrelo/status/1223016329566924806
RT @Bill_Cimbrelo@twitter.com
🤔 Do any of you remember voting to give Israel $1Billion per week? I don't remember that ballot question. Do you?
Did you expect that portions of those funds would then circle back into the US to subvert our own elections? 🤔
We're done with the #DNCRigging!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Bill_Cimbrelo/status/1222710869991227392