22. Best 2nd Hand RPG Purchase.
The Shackled City Adventure Path hardcover book. I had intended to run it out of the original Dragon magazines as originally published. The hardcover provides added content and ties everything together better than the original articles.
#RPGaDAY2023 Number 19 (it’s still 19 in many places) Favourite Published Adventure: I think I like tThe Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde! It’s #DnD35E and written by Mike Mearls and David Noonan. There’s numerous cool locations, the artwork is lovely, the theme links everything together and it’s easy to expand it to add colour, useful NPCs and other goodies to keep the game going. Most of all it’s got a cool name! Slaughtergarde being some mechanism to stop Bad Things™️ from coming across from Over There™️ and turning the delicious/hapless locals into Dinner/Slaves...™️ Obviously, if the gates are shattered, well, that calls for the intervention of some low level PCs! It’s fun! Try it!
18. Favorite game system. Either D&D 3.5e or AD&D 2e. I'll lean 3.5 because our version of 2e has a couple of prominent home rules.
#rpgaday2023 #DnD #adnd #dnd35e #ADnD2E
#RPGaDAY2023 Number 12: Old RPG I Still Play: well, I still play #DnD35e, which was apparently released 20 years ago! 2003, which was also just a few years ago too! Wait… if it was released when I was a grown-up, and it was 20 years ago, then I must be … [counting on fingers noises] ☹️
Anyway - it’s my favourite edition of #DnD. It bogs you down in lots of rules, but the innovations were good! No longer was lower better sometimes and higher better other times, just big is good and bigger is gooder. 3 AM, fueled by sugar and caffeine, a THAC0 was a hell of a thing to deal with. Good. Bye.
3.5 seemed to bring lots of stuff together, and I had played but never owned a set of 3rd edition books, but when this came out it was time to buy it. I’m not a player anymore, only a DM, as my gaming group has evolved to higher-numbered and therefore theoretically superior editions of this ancient game. But I love it, and it works for me, so it’s still with me.
Players Wanted! #DnD35e Stories of Jharkaran https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=227059&goto=newpost
My favorite games I've actually played are the 3.x cluster — D&D 3.0, D&D 3.5, d20 Modern, and PF1. #DnD35 #DnD35e #PF1e #PF1 #DnD3 #DnD3e #d20Modern #d20m
I believe it'd be possible to make a D&D-like game I like better, but WotC won't be the one to make it.
#Eberron is my favorite D&D setting by far! But sometimes an original setting is a better fit for a D&Dish idea. And sometimes a fantasy idea isn't particularly D&Dish, but I don't have a system I favor for that yet.
#dnd35 #dnd35e #PF1e #pf1 #dnd3 #DnD3E #D20Modern #d20m #eberron
@pteryx I'm not too up on the old RAW details for these types of things. I was thinking metamagic might do the trick, but that would require casting as a higher level spell somehow. Maybe could be houseruled by casting two charges, but not a default option in 3.5 i think.
DMing in the #dnd35e days I used etools to generate a page full of d20 rolls for monster initiative and saves. I'd cross them off the list in order as the "rolls" came up. I'd roll attacks at the table to keep the fun element of dice rolling.
I think I'm bringing this back for #Pathfinder2e
Players Wanted! #DnD35e One Shot: Dead Vengeance https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=226169&goto=newpost
Players Wanted! #DnD35e [Forgotten Realms] The Normal Heroes of Grendal https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=226166&goto=newpost
Players Wanted! #DnD35e Season of the Misfit https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=225972&goto=newpost
¡Hemos publicado nuestra primera partida de rol de #DnD 3.5 en streaming en YouTube! Puedes verla aquí: https://youtu.be/JZesIvcmHDk
Cordelia, Naniwa, Coren y Jassor continúan con el asalto de una torre de guardia tomada por el ejército enemigo, habiéndose infiltrado gracias a la magia de Coren. Intentarán tomar este enclave estratégico para defender su ciudad: Puerta de las Tormentas.
Fotografía de portada de María Fdez-Espada: https://www.instagram.com/maria.fernandezespada/
Conoce a los jugadores detrás de los personajes:
-Naniwa: https://instagram.com/comadreja_del_ancora
-Jassor: https://instagram.com/incoherente87
-Coren: https://twitter.com/IveliasZero
-Cordelia: https://www.instagram.com/beamorper/
#DnD #RPG #fantasia #vilia #dnd35e #partidaderol