This is such a gread deal. It includes the entirety of the Castle Whiterock adventure, 700 pages! Just make sure you get the PDF's and the zip files. It contains DCC, 5th, 4th, and 3rd edition adventures as well. #ttrp #dcc #dnd #dcc #dnd5e #dnd4e #dnd3rd
#TTRP #DCC #DnD #dnd5e #dnd4e #dnd3rd
Bedtime reading.
Dungeons & Dragons module B7 Rahasia.
I am dropping it into my #dnd4e #Neverwinter campaign.
And now I am going to #OSR in the same toot as I #dnd4e - for I am a man without shame.
Happy RPG A Day 2023
Day Twenty-Seven: New EDITION?
Two come to mind.
D&D 4e: I really enjoyed this game for what it was. If WotC rebranded this as "D&D Tactics" or something and continued the revisions started with Essentials, this could be a great dungeon crawl/battlefield RPG.
Legend of the Five Rings: I like the reimagining that FFG started with, but for the love of the kami could you please stop using funky dice? Or at least stick to one set?
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #rpgaday #dnd4e #l5r
Sale alert!
#HumbleBundle has a 75-item pack of #GoodmanGames adventures for #DnD3e, #DnD4e, #DnD5e, and #DCCRPG—all for the low price of USD 25.00:
#humblebundle #goodmangames #DnD3E #dnd4e #dnd5e #dccrpg #ttrpg
We talked briefly about Ghostbusters Rpg at our D&D 4e game on Friday night. This year I must resurrect my Ghostbusters Halloween one shot. #Ghostbusters #Rpg #dnd4e
Happy RPG A Day 2023
Day Fourteen: Favorite CONVENTION Purchase
First, I have never been to a major convention. I love my local conventions: NukeCon, Great Plains Game Festival, ConStellation, and PretzCon. Local cons are smaller, meaning maybe less stuff from major publishers, but they are cozy and friendly. Support your local cons!
Second, my favorite would be rounding out my D&D 4E Essentials collection. Great stuff for 4E!.
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #rpgaday #dnd4e
Well ya snooze ya lose. Alzrius posted a summary of Ben Riggs talk about what happened to 4e. There are slides too. #dnd #dnd4e #ttrpg
Day 8 - Favorite Character
Walwen BlĂĽdhammer, Dwarven Earthstrength Warden from #DnD4e. Not only was he kitted out for tanking to within an inch of his life, but he was so much fun to play. A veteran of the dwarven army, who spoke with an accent that was a combination of Scottish, Norwegian and Old English, talking about how Dwarven is a perfectly 'Common' language when it's spoken by dwarves, and how his regimen used pine blocks as pillows because "pine's a soft wood."
July say a bit of a bounce-back in terms of books read with/listened to with 7 over the month:
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (audiobook)
Murder on Arcturus Station by J. Andrew Keith (Classic Traveler adventure)
Exit Strategy by Martha Wells (audiobook)
Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory by Martha Wells (short story)
Heroes of the Feywild ( #DnD4e supplement)
13 Traditional Ghost Stories from Lincolnshire by Chris Firth
Haunted Lincoln by David Brandon
Just finished a #dnd campaign, and am super excited to start running a new #earthdawn campaign. Also playing in a 10+ year #dnd4e campaign.
Interested in:
#cartography and #mapping
#GMAdvice and #DMAdvice
#dnd #earthdawn #dnd4e #dungeonworld #pbta #shadowofthedemonlord #pathfinder #cartography #mapping #worldbuilding #gmadvice #dmadvice #ttrpgdesign #fantasyart