And that is it for today’s #DnDMondays session. We’ll pick up next time fighting like hell to leave the Underdark, or in my case, to get revenge on the Sorceress who has been pursuing me for the last few months without cause.
Today I played the #DnDMondays campaign, where I’m a lovely #Kuatoa. I didn’t live toot because even tho it’s fantastic notes it’s exhausting live tooting and playing, so here’s a short recap.
We finally beat the oozes! Or rather we ran away with our tails between our legs after killing quite a few and leaving the Pudding King done for. We made it back to Blindenstone, where we were greeted like hero’s and… we took a bath and went to sleep, exhausted after the longest battle we’ve been in so far
Life is short...DnD campaigns are long. #DnDMondays #DnDWednsdays #dndactualplay #dungeonsAndDragonsoc #dungeons_and_dragons
#dndmondays #dndwednsdays #dndactualplay #dungeonsanddragonsoc #dungeons_and_dragons
Haldar revives Chrysanthea, and we head back into the city avoiding the remaining oozes, who keep attacking the Earth Elemental. We are allowed back without further injury, and we are back in Blindenstone. Next time, we'll have leveled up. #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
We have decided to run. There are three exists to the chamber: northwest, east, and south. South is the closest, South is the way. Sverak feeds a Goodberry to Smethers, who comes to slowly as Sverak whispers "Time to go buddy", and runs ahead towards the exit. #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
So: Chrysanthea is dead, Smethers is down, and Haldar, Conley and myself are trying to see how we can get ourselves and our friends (alive and dead) out. The Earth Elemental is eating the Jelly Ooze it attacked earlier #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
Conley is trying to convince the Earth Elemental/Primordial to try and help us. Smethers uses his action to dash and... he can't do anything for Chrysanthea. Haldar uses his last level 3 spell slot to revivify... but because Crysanthea is in acid, she goes down again. Haldar gives me 9 points of healing and I'm up! I pray to my gods to help convince the Earth Elemental he is our friend. I move around him, adn he moves to attack a slime. #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
Meeps, we are struggling to kill this fucker. There's only two of our party up. It's Conley's turn. We're all gonna die guys. We're all gonna die. #DnD #combat #TPK #DnDMondays
It's my turn and the Spirits summoned by the Pudding King drop me as fast as I came up. I've spent more time down than up in this session. Wooo! #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
Next, Haldar, walks closer to me, and he uses an action to drop the yellow diamond he's holding, and crush it under his foot to summon an Earth Elemental! #DnD #DnDMondays #combat #bling #CrushedBling
#DnD #dndmondays #combat #bling #crushedbling
He is concentrating on the spell, and light begins to move around him like an aura. It is now Haldar's turn, who's a bit far from us. He smacks the Pudding King with his spiritual weapon for 19 points of damage! #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
Ugh, sorry everyone, I lost track of combat. It is the Pudding King's turn, who is next to Godfrey right now, and he's looking worse for the wear. He plunges his hand into the green slime and casts Spirit Guardians. #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
It's now Conley's turn, and he's asking how high up the throne is. He climbs up on the back of the throne to try and use produce flame and try to throw it over the ice wall, but apparently the Pudding King has total cover right now. #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
Aaaand I've lost track for a minute and apparently there's now darkness, and the Pudding King has disappeared. Godfrey revives Crysanthea using lay on hands #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
Still calmly, he casts Spiritual Weapon, swings it hard, and... fails. It's my turn, but I can't get up the ice wall to attack the Pudding King without using my action, so I hold my action to hit him if he comes within range. #DnD #DnDMondays #Combat
It's now Haldar's turn, and he does not know what to do. We're all egging him on to killing the Pudding King, but he calmly heals himself first, by casting Cure Wounds. #DnD #DnDMondays #Combat
He deals 22 points of damage (or something)? The Pudding King is trapped inside the icebox, and he can't touched any oozes, but he has Legendary Actions still. What will he do? #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
Smethers holds his sword out and screams a holy course down on the Pudding King as he casts Sacred Flame! And he hits! But it's only 1d8 radiant damage... and he rolls a 7! Inside the icebox, we hear the Pudding King scream louder than he ever has. He has his spiritual weapon up, will he do it? #DnD #DnDMondays #comba
The Pudding King takes a Legendary Action and sends a Giant Amoeba to explode next to Crysanthea. She rolls a nat 20 but is still hit hard, and goes down. #DnD #DnDMondays #combat
Two of the oozes pop and die. The Pudding King takes some damage, but he's trapped in the ice box and we can't see how he's doing very well. It's now Crysanthea's turn, and she uses Healing Word to get me up. I am up and with 10HP! #DnD #DnDMondays #combat