Saw a #DNGN ( review on #YouTube yesterday and picked up the game at
It’s a #SoloPlay #TTRPG #DungeonCrawl game with a novel action economy mechanic. I readied everything last night and played adventure 1 of the included campaign this afternoon. Definitely a good time worth the cost of entry. I do recommend this for anyone looking for a solo game to play.
#dngn #youtube #soloplay #ttrpg #dungeoncrawl
Most recent games I bought: #theonering & #UVGandtheblackcity. Most recent purchase: #DNGN 1, #DarkLordsDoom a solo OSR adventure, #d100dungeonworldbuilder, #tomeofadventuredesign revised, updated 5e classic #MegaDungeons of #cityofbrass #Barrowmaze and #RappanAthuk
#theonering #uvgandtheblackcity #dngn #darklordsdoom #d100dungeonworldbuilder #tomeofadventuredesign #MegaDungeons #cityofbrass #Barrowmaze #rappanathuk #rpgaday2023
Two new players joined the game and so the room they were trying to get into last game had Gus (Augustus Tiberius Primus) and Richter, both wizard's apprentices with no spells to speak of. We wrote off not remembering their existence to Psychic Tiger psionic damage.
#DNGN #IntoTheMegaDungeon #TTRPG #MarkedByTheOdd #IntoTheOdd
#dngn #intothemegadungeon #ttrpg #markedbytheodd #IntoTheOdd
Githyanki Diaspora, Week in Review Post
How was your gaming week? Create anything fun?
The Velinken Barrow Fortune
Reddit GM Advice: Sun-Killers, Skillshare with Strahd, & the B-Game
Into the UVG: Caravans
Psychic Tiger Fodder Returns!
Loving the Love Letters
#TTRPG #UVG #UltravioletGrasslands #IntoTheOdd #ApocalypseWorld #ApocalypseWorldBurnedOver #DNGN #GMAdvice
#ttrpg #uvg #UltravioletGrasslands #IntoTheOdd #apocalypseworld #apocalypseworldburnedover #dngn #GMAdvice
The same trio could make it for our Thursday night game (a huge, for zoom, group that is usually made up of 6 + me). We continued with Psychic Tiger Fodder, hirelings stuck in the depths of a (mega)dungeon after the adventuring party that hired hired them were mauled by a psychic tiger. Jeb the Footpad, Taki and Tabouli along with Roddy the Shieldbearer and Gill the Wizard’s Apprentice.
And so begins the majestic fantasy adventures of the adventures known as Psychic Tiger Fodder.
#dngn #IntoTheOdd #markedbytheodd #ttrpg
Currently working on the cover logo for CRWL, a new hexcrawl zine scheduled for release in 2023. This will serve as a companion to our megadungeon zine DNGN, and will focus on overland exploration in a weird-fantasy world. #CRWL #DNGN #dungeon23