We got something utterly stupid from the Director of National Intelligence, so we ask, beneath the surface, exactly what are they trying to do by releasing utter bullshit to the public? #DNI #Intelligence
El #DNI 3.0 más cerca que nunca… https://www.huffingtonpost.es/sociedad/el-nuevo-dni-30-esta-punto-llegar-espana.html?outputType=amp
Some more Veovi:
#Myst #Dni #Mystodon #Midjourney #gaming #fantasy #characters #androgyny
#androgyny #characters #Fantasy #Gaming #midjourney #mystodon #dni #myst
The private island of Varia which I've built for Myst Online: Uru Live Again:
The island has a long history of intrigue and nefarious secrets that are slowly being uncovered.
Professor Marius of Oxford University is investigating and restoring the island for his plan of enlisting explorers to aide him in dealing with 'problematic' ages.
#dni #mmo #Fantasy #Gaming #Uru #myst #mystodon
Creating Veovis in Midjourney as he would've been on the eve of the Fall standing in his island mansion of K'veer.
#midjourney #Gaming #dni #myst #mystodon
#People who are into #incest, #beastiality and all sorts of other #disgusting #taboo illegal #sex shit #DNI!
#You #obviously forget your #health #mentally and #physically is at #risk if you take part in a lot of that.
#ausgov #politas #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #antifascism #hahaha #haha #haha #ha !
#people #incest #beastiality #disgusting #taboo #sex #dni #you #obviously #health #mentally #physically #risk #AusGov #politas #auspol #tasgov #taspol #antifascism #hahaha #haha #ha
@abysscreation is a #nazi, #avoid/ #block/ #dni
#australia #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #neonazi #tumblr #abysscreation #socialmedia #alert #fyi #psa
#nazi #avoid #Block #dni #australia #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #neonazi #tumblr #abysscreation #socialmedia #alert #fyi #psa
Pronto podremos llevar el #DNI en el móvil… https://www.20minutos.es/tecnologia/aplicaciones/pronto-dni-movil-espana-pruebas-cartera-digital-5139723/
The US Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens
A newly declassified report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reveals the federal government is buying troves of data about Americans.
#dni #privacy
#People who are into #incest, #beastiality and all sorts of other #disgusting #taboo #illegal #sex shit #DNI!
#You #obviously forget your #health #mentally and #physically is at #risk if you take part in a lot of that.
#fyi #psa #ausgov #politas #yuck #gross
#people #incest #beastiality #disgusting #taboo #illegal #sex #dni #you #obviously #health #mentally #physically #risk #fyi #psa #AusGov #politas #yuck #gross
Cómo compartir tu #DNI de forma segura por Internet… https://www.xataka.com/basics/como-compartir-tu-dni-internet-forma-segura-para-evitar-peligros/amp
CAZA DE BRUJAS | Con Nombre de Podcast 04x36
La caza de brujas es tan antigua como la existencia de la sociedad.
#brujas #caza #cultura #curiosidades #dni #documento nacional de identidad #edad media #edad moderna #editoriales #éxitos #franco #gabinetes #historia #inquisición #libros #misterio #museos #pecado #prostitución #rechazo #renacimiento #podcast #con nombre de podcast
#brujas #caza #cultura #curiosidades #dni #documento #edad #editoriales #exitos #franco #gabinetes #historia #inquisicion #libros #misterio #museos #pecado #prostitucion #rechazo #renacimiento #podcast #con
💳 Muy pronto podrás utilizar tu #tarjeta #sacyl, acompañada por el #DNI o #Pasaporte, para la #recetaElectrónica en:
🇵🇹 #Portugal
🇭🇷 #Croacia
🇫🇮 #Finlandia
🇪🇪 #Estonia
🇵🇱 #Polonia
#ATENCIÓN: no tiene nada que ver con la #tarjetaSanitaria 🇪🇺 #europea. Esta seguirá siendo imprescindible para recibir asistencia sanitaria.
#tarjeta #sacyl #dni #pasaporte #recetaelectronica #portugal #croacia #finlandia #estonia #polonia #atencion #tarjetasanitaria #europea
The GOP-controlled House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill on March 10 that would require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information on the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The tally was 419-0.
The bill, which unanimously passed the Democrat-controlled Senate on March 1, goes to President Joe Biden for his signature.
#covid #COVID19 #ODNI #dni #biden #joebiden
#covid #covid19 #odni #dni #biden #joebiden
Senator Gillibrand is wonderful:
“Sen Gillibrand questions intel community on UAP/UFO
The directors of National Intelligence, CIA, FBI, the National Security Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency are asked to commit to sharing info on UFO/UAP.” - CSPAN
#uap #ufo #ufos #dni #natsec #intel
U.S. Intel Cannot Link #HavanaSyndrome to Foreign Adversary https://politicaliq.com/2023/03/01/u-s-intel-cannot-link-havana-syndrome-to-foreign-adversary/ #DNI #CIA #politicaliq #news #politics
#havanasyndrome #dni #CIA #politicaliq #News #politics
RT @diarioAyE@twitter.com
⚫ Según un informe, datos como el #DNI o el número de teléfono de miles de #autónomos pueden ser consultados por cualquier persona en #Internet. La Agencia de Protección de Datos no se ha pronunciado y los #expertos alertan sobre una posible ilegalidad.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/diarioAyE/status/1606223468021817344
#dni #autonomos #internet #expertos
AUDIO de la entrevista ayer en @RadioCoruna @La_SER con @MarcosSanluis sobre la nueva Agencia de Inteligencia Artificial para Coruña y la futura App del #DNI que llevaremos en el móvil y de su validez legal : https://cadenaser.com/audio/1670261612614/ #DerechoTIC