🌐 Save the Dates! @dnsoarc are thrilled to announce the #OARC41 Workshop, September 6-7, 2023 in Da Nang, Vietnam! Co-located with the #ICANN DNS Symposium and hosted by #VNNIC , this event will bring together DNS enthusiasts, researchers, and experts to discuss the latest trends and advancements.
🗣 5 Days Left The Call for presentations has been extended to June 20th, you can find more information here:
#oarc41 #icann #vnnic #lovedns #dnsworkshop #techcommunity #dnsabuse
It's #FIRSTFriday and there's a new #FIRSTImpressions episode to stream! This interview features #DNSAbuse #SIG co-chair, Peter Lowe, who chats about the SIG’s goals, current projects, and mission to better define DNS. Available on most platforms: https://media.first.org/podcasts/FIRST_Impressions-DNS-SIG.mp3
#firstfriday #firstimpressions #dnsabuse #sig
The #DNSAbuse #SIG has proudly published its Techniques Matrix and has offered an introduction to the document on the #FIRSTBlog. Check it out at: https://www.first.org/blog/20230228-DNS_Abuse_Techniques_Matrix
#dnsabuse #sig #firstblog #firstdotorg #collaboration #buildingtrust #psirt #csirt