Development Update #2305 out!
Read about the teams, projects and results from the #DNSHackathon2023 that took places on the weekend before #RIPE86 in Rotterdam, and about the latest releases of #dnswire, #DSC and #dnsperf!
#DNS #OpenSource #Hackathons
#dnshackathon2023 #ripe86 #dnswire #dsc #dnsperf #dns #opensource #hackathons
#dsc v2.14.0 released!
- new conf options to control output file access
- depend on #dnswire v0.4.0, new #DNSTAP #DoQ socket protocol
- improve DNSTAP message handling
- update builtin PSL
#DNS #monitoring #measurement #OpenSource
#dsc #dnswire #dnstap #doq #dns #monitoring #measurement #opensource