Tyrel Haveman · @tyrel
17 followers · 8 posts · Server discuss.systems

I'm reading three books right now in order to learn more about subject areas that are becoming important to my work at Eviation Aircraft.

* Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers, Brian Amos
There's a chance I'll have to develop or architect some real-time software in the next couple years. I want to ensure that I have a stronger understanding of how this works, and I'm excited about playing with hardware a bit.

* Developing Safety-Critical Software, Leanna Rierson
In order to develop software for aircraft, it has to be certified by the FAA -- this book covers the entire process of developing software in a way that can be certified. I really like how she presents the information in this book.

* Fundamentals of Software Architecture, Mark Richards & Neil Ford
I've definitely built some understanding of software architecture in my career, but this book helps to solidify and refine my understanding. It's very helpful!

#rtos #embeddedsoftware #safety #do178 #aircraft #software #architecture #careerdevelopment

Last updated 2 years ago