Spike Lee's "Do The Right Thing" released this day in 1989.
#SpikeLee #DoTheRightThing
When you realize that your date crawled out of a #BasketOfDeplorables it’s not too late to #DoTheRightThing. 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/shooting-fake-parking-attendant_n_644b66f1e4b03c1b88cc7e05
#ErickAguirre from near #CorpusChristi #Texas will be living in a new government-funded #BasketOfDeplorables for quite a while!
#basketofdeplorables #doTheRightThing #erickaguirre #corpuschristi #texas
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #DoTheRightThing
"There is no wrong time to do the right thing."
Charles M. Blow
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #doTheRightThing
Nicholas Winton helped 669 Jewish children escape the Nazis. His efforts went unrecognized for 50 years. Then in 1988, while sitting as a member of a TV audience, he suddenly found himself surrounded by the kids he’d rescued, now adults.
#dotherightthing #nazis #lifegoals #heroes #Holocaust
#doTheRightThing #nazis #lifegoals #heroes #holocaust
Thought of the week...
It happens to be both Martin Luther King Jr day and blue Monday so we've found an inspiring quote to see you through.
#thoughtoftheweek #mondaymotivation #quote #health #Chiropractic #Corstorphine #edinburgh #thought #hope #dotherightthing #courage #bluemonday #martinlutherkingjr #martinlutherking #martinlutherkingquotes #martinlutherkingday
#thoughtoftheweek #mondaymotivation #quote #health #chiropractic #Corstorphine #edinburgh #thought #hope #doTheRightThing #Courage #bluemonday #martinlutherkingjr #MartinLutherKing #martinlutherkingquotes #martinlutherkingday
This piece reinforces something important. The people who were most responsible for toppling Trump were all women. Hutchinson, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, Marie Yovanovitch, Olivia Troye, and Mary Trump come to mind immediately.
The theme here is courage and integrity. In their own way, each one stood by their principles despite the censure and attacks by the MAGA horde.
We should be grateful for everything they have done. #integrity #DoTheRightThing #WomenLeaders
#integrity #doTheRightThing #womenleaders
Covid numbers are trending in the bad way. Oregon and Washington state public health organizations. Recommend everyone mask in indoor public spaces and in crowds. It is not a mandate. We should do it anyway.
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #MaskUp #doTheRightThing
Childens Parents Teachers
KNOW to #DoTheRightThing
TAKE #PracticalAction
Into your own hands!
When the government will not do this
to protect you
DIY #AirFilterUnits
Make it a global movement
RT @Iamgoingtosleep@twitter.com
#CorsiRosenthalBox is ready to go: "the virus will bite the dust!" 🎶
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Iamgoingtosleep/status/1567277854580248576
#doTheRightThing #COVIDisAirborne #practicalaction #cleanairindoors #corsirosenthalbox #airfilterunits
By recycling batteries properly, you're not only helping to recover natural resources, but prevent hazardous fires all along the waste chain! #Sustainability #Recycling #LithiumBatteries #DoTheRightThing
#sustainability #recycling #lithiumbatteries #doTheRightThing
RT @CleanAirClassrm@twitter.com
We note @educationgovuk@twitter.com you warn schools of
A 'Tripledemic' Covid19, Flu, RSV &
Crisis @PICSociety@twitter.com
Help Parents, Teachers & pupils
#TakeControl of the #AirWeShare Indoors
Time to fund
DIY #CorsiRosenthalboxes #AirFiltration
#CleanTheAir of VIRUS https://twitter.com/AstroRoyalScot/status/1586646118905122816
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CleanAirClassrm/status/1598061812519686144
#doTheRightThing #takecontrol #airweshare #costeffective #corsirosenthalboxes #airfiltration #CleanTheAir
We note @educationgovuk@twitter.com you warn schools of
A 'Tripledemic' Covid19, Flu, RSV &
Crisis @PICSociety@twitter.com
Help Parents, Teachers & pupils
#TakeControl of the #AirWeShare Indoors
Time to fund
DIY #CorsiRosenthalboxes #AirFiltration
#CleanTheAir of VIRUS
#doTheRightThing #takecontrol #airweshare #costeffective #corsirosenthalboxes #airfiltration #CleanTheAir
RT @KaminskiMed@twitter.com
Perfectly said: “Family Decision: We are not going to a party for which those who put the lights had to die and to which not everybody is invited!”
Thank you @tom_luedde@twitter.com! Our family will follow your family!
#DoTheRightThing https://twitter.com/tom_luedde/status/1596827194084691969
Thought of the week...
#thoughtoftheweek #mondaymotivation #quote #health #Chiropractic #Corstorphine #edinburgh #thought #honest #true #upfront #dotherightthing #watching
#thoughtoftheweek #mondaymotivation #quote #health #chiropractic #Corstorphine #edinburgh #thought #honest #true #upfront #doTheRightThing #watching
Perfectly said: “Family Decision: We are not going to a party for which those who put the lights had to die and to which not everybody is invited!”
Thank you @tom_luedde@twitter.com! Our family will follow your family!
That #lady sounds like she needed this print-out…
“ #massive #campaign #educating “ is #incredibly #necessary #definitely “
#because they work
#repetition #works which is why #politicians use #technique
Like to #believe #although this might be the #always #optimist in me & potentially I am #wrong …
But most or many people need #prompting to #DoTheRightThing
Some are #sociopaths or #psychopaths but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t #attempt #educational campaigns
#lady #massive #campaign #educating #incredibly #necessary #definitely #because #repetition #works #politicians #technique #believe #although #always #optimist #wrong #prompting #doTheRightThing #sociopaths #psychopaths #attempt #educational
2/2 contd:
The pace of the investigations will not pause or flag under my watch. I will exercise independent judgment and will move the investigation forward expeditiously and thoroughly to whatever outcome the law dictates. END/
#DOJ #Justice #Criminal #Law #MAL #FridayFeeling Just #DoTheRightThing
#doj #justice #criminal #law #mal #fridayfeeling #doTheRightThing
Good for old Rodders - makes a change to see slebs doing the right thing when there's money involved.
#worldcup #Qatar #rodstewart #doTheRightThing #music
RT @moss_sphagnum@twitter.com
Let's #DoTheRightThing in #bcpoli . Vaccine passports, N95s, and clean air standards can help *all of us* live with Covid 19. #covid19bc #COVID19AB #bced #accessibility
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/moss_sphagnum/status/1491854280596230144
#doTheRightThing #bcpoli #COVID19BC #covid19ab #bced #accessibility
Owner of antiquities sends them back to their countries of origin because he realizes they were probably originally obtained under illicit or questionable circumstances #doTheRightThing #repatriation #looting #antiquities
#antiquities #looting #repatriation #doTheRightThing
People #doTheRightThing so #spontaneously that supermarkets had to introduce coin-operated trolley locks to make people bring the trolley back.
#spontaneously #doTheRightThing