liebenswรผrzig gestรถrt · @6a02
185 followers · 3968 posts · Server

Ich hab' gerade alle meine Aufgaben erledigt dank @doable!

Klingt spannend? Unter kannst du mehr รผber herausfinden!


Last updated 1 year ago

Just managed to finish all my Todos thanks to @doable!

Sounds interesting? You can find out more about by visiting!


Last updated 1 year ago

I just realized that states that it uses the read / write calendar permission when in fact it doesn't

Anyways, Doable will no longer require the calendar permission!


Last updated 1 year ago

mondstern · @mondstern
204 followers · 3501 posts · Server

Gibt es @doable Nutzer im
, die ihr eigenes Farbschema mit "uns Anderen Usern" teilen ?

#doable #fediverse #mastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

mondstern · @mondstern
204 followers · 3500 posts · Server

Ist es eigentlich mรถglich, @doable ganz bunt einstellen zu kรถnnen, also Pride - mรครŸig ?


Last updated 1 year ago

Are you using yet? No?! Well why the heck not? It's an amazing Todo / tasks app that allows you to customize it to your hearts content! You can also synchronize it with :nextcloud: or any other WebDAV endpoint you like!

You are using Doable but you're facing bugs / you're missing features? Don't hesitate to let me know! You can do so by either dming me here or creating an issue here:


#doable #Nextcloud

Last updated 1 year ago

You enjoy and want to help me out a bit? The best way you can help is by either submitting feedback / bug reports, or by translating into your native language. For that please visit:


Last updated 1 year ago

By the way, any language that is below 75% translated will not be available from the language picker inside , so if you want to prevent languages from disappearing / want to add a new language you can do so here:


Last updated 2 years ago

Spaceflight ๐Ÿš€ · @spaceflight
1136 followers · 697 posts · Server

Reinhold Ewald
"the three would have had a good chance of returning in the broken . Like me, expressed his basic confidence in the Soyuz.
Pretty much all important functions can be triggered by the crew. For all points in time, e.g. for igniting the jets, a table is sent up daily, which is printed out and kept in the Soyuz. I can't say in detail whether the cruise engine overheats in the absence of cooling, but in simulations pretty much everything was played in for us and we still got as far as the upper atmosphere. From there on, the leaky cooling doesn't matter anyway. If there's a moisture problem in the capsule before the braking shock (that's where the cooling acts as a condensation surface) or it gets too hot, thanks to the Sokol you can deflate the air in the return capsule and come back under pure oxygen pressure. Very uncomfortable, but . Soyuz is a life saver, not a limb saver, we were always told."

#cosmonauts #soyuz #chrishadfield #spacesuits #doable

Last updated 2 years ago

Spaceflight ๐Ÿš€ · @spaceflight
1136 followers · 697 posts · Server

Reinhold Ewald
"the three would have had a good chance of returning in the broken . Like me, Chris expressed his basic confidence in the Soyuz.
Pretty much all important functions can be triggered by the crew. For all points in time, e.g. for igniting the jets, a table is sent up daily, which is printed out and kept in the Soyuz. I can't say in detail whether the cruise engine overheats in the absence of cooling, but in simulations pretty much everything was played in for us and we still got as far as the upper atmosphere. From there on, the leaky cooling doesn't matter anyway. If there's a moisture problem in the capsule before the braking shock (that's where the cooling acts as a condensation surface) or it gets too hot, thanks to the Sokol you can deflate the air in the return capsule and come back under pure oxygen pressure. Very uncomfortable, but . Soyuz is a life saver, not a limb saver, we were always told."

#cosmonauts #soyuz #hadfield #spacesuits #doable

Last updated 2 years ago

Spaceflight ๐Ÿš€ · @spaceflight
1136 followers · 697 posts · Server

Reinhold Ewald
"the three would have had a good chance of returning in the broken . Like me, Chris expressed his basic confidence in the Soyuz.
Pretty much all important functions can be triggered by the crew. For all points in time, e.g. for igniting the jets, a table is sent up daily, which is printed out and kept in the Soyuz. I can't say in detail whether the cruise engine overheats in the absence of cooling, but in simulations pretty much everything was played in for us and we still got as far as the upper atmosphere. From there on, the leaky cooling doesn't matter anyway. If there's a moisture problem in the capsule before the braking shock (that's where the cooling acts as a condensation surface) or it gets too hot, thanks to the Sokol you can deflate the air in the return capsule and come back under pure oxygen pressure. Very uncomfortable, but . Soyuz is a life saver, not a limb saver, we were always told."

#cosmonauts #soyuz #hadlield #spacesuits #doable

Last updated 2 years ago

New release is out!!

Featuring brand new animations as well as various bug fixes!

You can read the full changelog here and download if you haven't already!


Last updated 2 years ago

So as promised I checked how much of a site difference obfuscating actually makes โ€“ if any at all.

I generates three apks. One without splitting the debug info or obfuscating, one with obfuscating and splitting the debug info, and one with only the debug info split but not obfuscated.

Here are the results!

@FineFindus now we know!


Last updated 2 years ago

@andrewblasco you mean the switches? yeah, i also really love them!

the thing is, google itself isn't adhering to their own guidelines... the more i read the docs, the more i notice it xD

feels so unfair because here i am, sticking to the guidelines and making look beautiful, and google often just doesn't care xdd


Last updated 2 years ago

Should anyone be interested in what command I use to create a version of , its this one:

flutter clean; flutter build apk --split-debug-info=stacktraces/{version}/ --obfuscate --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64


Last updated 2 years ago

Would anyone be interested in making a design for ? It'd replace the current one in the design screen!


Last updated 2 years ago


Lists are finally here in version 1.5.0 of ! Find out more about the release here:


Last updated 2 years ago

@Lempel @mondstern momentan noch mein persรถnliches, aber werde bald mal schauen, ob ich auf bekomme

#izzyondroid #doable

Last updated 2 years ago

Release v1.4.8+27 is out now!

Read the changelog and download the newest apk from Codeberg or directly from itself!


Last updated 2 years ago

It's release time!

version 1.4.7 brings you:

- New languages: Dutch, Basque, and Romanian!
- UI bug fixes


Last updated 2 years ago