As I’ve been saying for months, #Russia is nearing its #DobroPole moment! 👉
The #Wagner rebellion doesn’t count. It was totally SCRIPTED by #Putin and #Prigozhin.
#Russia #dobropole #wagner #putin #prigozhin
@SocraticEthics Russia’s own #DobroPole moment is getting *very* close now! 👉
The similarities of the #RussianInvasionOfUkraine with #WorldWar1 are increasing.
And #Russia is approaching its own ‘#DobroPole ‘ moment with mass desertions of troops that will quickly bring the war to an end. 👉
#RussianinvasionofUkraine #worldwar1 #Russia #dobropole
#Donbas was bound to have its ‘#DobroPole’ moment. It was just a matter of time and death count! 👉
@jayinkyiv Or until a mutiny by troops composed largely of ethnically non-Russians, such as what happened at #DobroPole when Bulgarians turned on the ‘Central Powers’ of Germany and Austria-Hungary and hastened the end of #WorldWar1. 🤔