Bei der #DocBook-Customization mal geschaut, ob sich etwas beim wichtigen result-Element innerhalb einer procedure getan hat. Leider noch immer nicht.
Aber das habe ich ja bereits gelöst. da gerade im Studi-Erklärkontext inakzeptabel.
I created #CSL #CitationStyleLanguage in the early 2000s, because what I was looking for didn't exist. In fact, I wrote the prototype #XSLT implementation to format my first book manuscript, using #DocBook!
Since then, it's been wildly successful, but the technology world has evolved a lot since, and CSL has accrued almost 20 years of technical debt.
So I've been experimenting lately with what an alternative, designed today, might look like.
#docbook #xslt #citationstylelanguage #csl
I created #CSL/#CitationStyleLanguage in the early 2000s, because what I was looking for didn't exist. In fact, I wrote the prototype #XSLT implementation to format my first book manuscript, using #DocBook!
Since then, it's been wildly successful, but the technology world has evolved a lot since, and CSL has accrued almost 20 years of technical debt.
So I've been experimenting lately with what an alternative, designed today, might look like.
@AdamBishop If I compare it to the standard "out of the box" text editor that we have on macOS, it works extremely well with #XML files (finds errors, etc.) I use it all the time to check weird #TMX data for ex.
It's also not too bad at editing/authoring such XML files and so I used it to rewrite the #DocBook sources of OmegaT's manual for ex., for that, it comes with tag completion, syntax coloring, etc.
So, that's something I really could not do with that standard macOS text editor.
If I compare it with the defacto pro-editor on macOS (#BBEdit), it comes with less fun regex but everything I mentioned above stands.
But then, it comes with a really nice writing environment called "org-mode" (modes are basically #emacslisp applications within Emacs and do all sort of things that a bare bones text editor can't do). I use org-mode all the time to write. org-mode comes with something that "captures" notes so that you can just write down stuff that come to your mind and store that in a side "location" without losing your focus, and then you can reorganize all your stuff when you have time.
If you come from VI, you have a VI typing mode with all the VI shortcuts, if you come from Windows, you have something like that too.
Think of it as a lisp virtual machine that comes with an editor and a thousand applications that deal with textual data (but not only).
#xml #tmx #docbook #bbedit #emacslisp
There are parallels here for tech writers too, with #FrameMaker, #DocBook, #AsciiDoc, #ReStructuredText or #DITA.
Each tool we learn teaches us something about the others.
#dita #restructuredtext #asciidoc #docbook #FrameMaker
I also love #DocBook, even if I'm (still) struggling in setting up a proper toolchain in Windows WSL (not much a Linux expert anymore).
DocBook xslTNG prerelease version 2.0.1 is out. I pushed this one to Maven as well, for my own convenience as much as anything else. I think I'm done with the major hacking and slashing, but I guess I should wait for the bug reports before I say that out loud.
DocBook xslTNG stylesheets version 2.0.0 (experimental). Rewrote localization. ✔ Appears to support Chinese now. ✔ All tests pass. ✔ Wrote some new localization tests. ✔ Updated documentation. ✔ Published release. ✔ Still 2022. ✔ Win. ✔✔✔
Reports from the field eagerly solicited. Open a bug if you have trouble. On the one hand, there are a lot of changes, on the other I expect relatively few people actually make localization changes, so...
I didn't know that DocBook's <warning> tag could contain <title>. Turns out it's pretty neat.
#PostgreSQL #docbook
All the #DocBook #xslTNG tests pass. Now just have to see if/how customization layers can modify generated text, check all 74 non-English language localization files (as best I can), write the documentation, and check on a performance regression. Not going to finish this weekend.
@samwilson @atomicpoet
I really like it. The basics are close enough to #Markdown in terms of simplicity (although sometimes slightly different, that can create confusion when you switch between the two), but being designed as a “lightweight #docbook” it's very complete.
#DocBook 5 にも微妙な顔になる点はあるにはあって、たとえば ooclass, ooexception, oointerface など互換性のために残されている、時代を感じさせる要素などがある
> oointerface — An interface in an object-oriented programming language.
あと #DocBook 5 には screen 要素というのがあって、たとえばこれはスクショ等以外にもコンソールのログを表現したりなどにも使える。デザインが圧倒的に “正しい”。
コンソールのログ自体は一般にコードでも何でもないのだから、本来 code block 用の仕組みを使うべきではないんだよな。