In meiner letzten Kolumne ging es um den neuen #testcontainer und #dockercompose Support von #SpringBoot 3.1. Viel Spaß beim lesen:
#testcontainer #dockercompose #springboot
@zeab coincidentally, I recently started moving my setup to a simpler approach with #dockercompose with #Portainer
Sad that Mitchel Hashimoto hasn't said anything publicly (yet?) about the company's new direction: though it's not his company anymore, it is his legacy.
Anyway, I'm happy how my services are coming back online very quickly because of less moving parts.
#dockercompose #portainer #backtobasics
Nejsložitější na rozjetí vlastní instance #Mastodon v #DockerCompose (díky #Bitnami) bylo nastavení #SMTP serveru. Přitom stačilo změnit port na 465, přitom vždy fungoval 587.
Teď přemýšlím, jak tuto vlastní instanci Mastodon pro rodinu pojat, rodina je hodně široká. Lze v Mastodonu nějak vytvářet v rámci jedné instance skupiny? Které na sebe můžou a nemusí vidět?
#mastodon #dockercompose #bitnami #smtp
Docker Desktop 4.22: Resource Saver, Compose ‘include’, and Enhanced RBAC Functionality
#Docker #Products #DockerCompose #DockerDesktop
#docker #products #dockercompose #DockerDesktop
Improve Docker Compose Modularity with `include`
#Docker #Products #DockerCompose
#docker #products #dockercompose
Just got a brand new #Vite based #React app running and integrated into our project's #DockerCompose with hot module reloading for local dev.
As the project and team that I'm working with continues to grow, I'm trying to focus on making sure that we have easy pathways to dev the whole project and so far, Docker Compose has delivered.
Just updated my server to version 4.1.6 , it was as easy as updating the version tag and running "docker compose up -d" , thanks to @linuxserver
#mastoadmin #mastodon #update #docker #dockercompose #updateDay
#mastoadmin #mastodon #update #docker #dockercompose #updateday
TIL: you can configure docker containers to start AFTER dependent containers are finished.
Perfect for migration tasks👌 !
#docker #dockercompose #dependency #migration
TIL : You can spread a long docker-compose command over multiple lines for better reading experience.
Even more: since this is actually a YAML feature, you can use this technique even in ansible etc. 👌
#yaml #dockercompose #ansible #TIL
Neue nvme gekauft, #nextcloudaio backup erstellt, system neu aufgesetzt, #dockercompose kopiert, gestartet und läuft.
alle anderen Ordner rund um mein #docker setup einfach mit #rsync rübergeschoben und gestartet.
Was mag ich doch das #container zeugs :)
#nextcloudaio #dockercompose #docker #rsync #container
TIL: You can provide multiple shell commands at once in a very readable manner as docker-compose command.
This is very useful especially for migration / one-shot containers
Even shorter:
Top level entries can also be yaml nodes with children
TIL : '$' must be escaped in docker/compose commands:
I wrote a blog post about using WordPress env as a zero config or little bit of config Docker-backed local development environment.
#wordpress #docker #dockercompose
Hey 👋
We just released #Docker
Compose v2.20.0
This version introduce `include` keyword which allow you to use an existing Compose configuration as part of your Compose stack
Aaand another update done successfully to 4.1.4 to my Mastodon instance. Just updated the docker tag and updated the compose. Thanks to @linuxserver 's mastodon container 🙏 Thank you @team !
#mastoadmin #mastodon #dockercompose #linuxserver #linuxserverio #docker #debian
#mastoadmin #mastodon #dockercompose #linuxserver #linuxserverio #docker #debian
An update on this - I spent about four hours yesterday trying to configure #dockercompose scripts for my services. Once I realised that you could set up multiple networked containers in one compose yml it was like a lightbulb went off. This thing is crazy powerful and useful.
I am struggling to figure out some SSL errors with #Jackett currently - I tried updating OpenSSL but didn't seem to fix it. Based on the GitHub it looks like an ongoing issue so I'm just going to hope it gets fixed soon.
The next step is moving this setup over to my host machine and configuring my port forwards correctly, then I'll switch things over to a pure docker-based setup. I'm actually really excited about learning more - maybe the next step is starting to learn a bit of #python.
#dockercompose #jackett #python
Another blog post (perhaps I might do this daily?)
This time about Hashicorp vault and docker-compose secret management.
Also had to update the blogging tool as bashblog didn't support code blocks so I'm using mdbook
#vault #hashicorp #docker #dockercompose #blog #tildeclub #mdbook
#vault #hashicorp #docker #dockercompose #blog #tildeclub #mdbook