Things you can do on #Windows that I have not (yet) been able to do on #Mac:
- #AutoHotKey can do systemwide txt replacement (so can #Espanso) but it can also sense and act on all system windows (move them, click a button in them, resize them) immediately upon their appearance
- Taskbar is there by default - shows all apps AND their child windows for instant selection, no DWM required, uBar is not a perfect replacement
- Can resize settings instead of a vertical fixedwidth panel
- #Outlook rules can color emails based on criteria. Yes this is an MS limitation, not Apple
- #ShoveIt auto shunts offscreen windows back onscreen
- Zhorn #Stickies is far better than any Mac sticky app I've found. Can "attach" a sticky to a window so that every time window appears, sticky also appears. Can set a reminder so when time arrives, sticky pops up and jiggles/chimes
- apps generally have FAR better notification popups
Today I will be looking at #Magnet and #DockExposé. The journey continues.
#windows #mac #autohotkey #espanso #outlook #shoveit #stickies #magnet #dockexpose