Not a good look, #PlutoTV. I’m trying to rewatch #DocMartin, and it completely borked the third episode, skipping a scene with Mrs. Tishell almost entirely, repeating a scene in the surgery, and cutting Dr. Ellingham off mid-word in the scene with Burt in his kitchen. Seems to work great on #Tubi, though.
The danger of bingeing Doc Martin episodes is finding myself wanting to treat folks in the same brusque manner as Martin Clunes in the series. I almost told a co-worker to "Stop Talking!" when they kept rambling on about some thing or another ;o)
Maybe not a bad thing?
#DocMartin #MartinClunes
I’m finally watching Doc Martin Season 10- I’m going to miss this series.
"She knew him in the Biblical sense if you know what I mean."
"She gave birth to him in a stable?"
My wife and I finished Doc Martin recently. I am upset about the series' conclusion as I relate well with Dr. Ellingham (I also don't suffer fools). Doc Martin did not appear on the surface to be a show I would have been interested in, had I not given this show a chance I would have missed out on a great experience. #BritishTV #DocMartin #television
#britishtv #docmartin #television
Die Serie #DocMartin spielt in einer schönen Landschaft.
#Cornwall #PortIsaac ⛵
#portisaac #cornwall #docmartin
Mittlerweile wird mein „Serien Binge Plan“ ziemlich voll:
Derweil Binge ich mit meinen Eltern zusammen #DocMartin (sehr zu empfehlen wenn man auf britische leichte Serienkost steht).
Es brechen die letzten 2 Wochen von #ArrestedDevelopment an in denen ich noch 2,5 Staffeln schaffen muss.
Das fantastische #Shrinking auf #AppleTVPlus Will geguckt werden (mittlerweile haben sich hier auch 3 Folgen zum nachholen angesammelt).
Gleiches gilt für Season 3 von #TheOrville auf Disney+.
#docmartin #arresteddevelopment #shrinking #appletvplus #theorville
My wife and I want to move to the north coast of #Cornwall. Anywhere with an hour's drive from Port Isaac would be great.
We'll live in our camper at Bert Large's caravan park and live off our online business and me pulling shifts washing dishes at The Crab & Lobster. Maybe Tina could get a receptionist gig at the surgery.
We're currently in #Florida so could we apply for political asylum fleeing from a fascist state?
We have this all planned out, you see. 🤪
Random info about me:
I enjoy a few different British TV shows, especially Doc Martin, Grant Chester and Father Brown. Any other Doc Martin fans out there?
We just figured out why we love Doc Martin so much.
As Americans, it depicts a fantasy : having quality affordable healthcare.
Farewell Doc Martin (TV Special 2022) - IMDb
Great watch if you are a fan of the show!
I've been waiting on #pbs to broadcast the final season of #DocMartin . It seems I'll have to look for alternatives.
#pbs #docmartin #tv #tvseries #britishhumor
Well, I have to say a great big thanks to the team that bought us Doc Martin! What a fabulous 18 years they have given us with this whimsical and funny series! And superbly acted and all the support staff! It has been such a joy! We have actually visited Port Isaac (Portwenn in the series) when I could still walk (2009). We were lucky enough to meet Joe Absolom, who plays Al Large in the show, who was very kind to three Aussies in GB doing the trip of a lifetime to Italy and then England. We will always remember his warm friendliness to us! Check out the all the series on ABC Iview. And also the doco Farewell Doc Martin! We will miss the show! #GoodByeDocMartin #DocMartin #FarewellDocMartin.
#goodbyedocmartin #docmartin #farewelldocmartin
Quick update on my favourite telly this Christmas:
1. #Detectorists (the @aliceroberts gag was spot on)
2. #Ghosts
3. #DeathInParadise
#DocMartin was disappointing. Didn’t watch anything else on ITV.
#Detectorists #ghosts #deathinparadise #richardwatchesthetelly #docmartin
Heute neu: Staffel 10 von Doc Martin bei Sky One #DocMartin #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#PlayByDay #HeuteNeu #docmartin
In June, my wife and I joined a tour to #Cornwall, a historic county in southwest England. On day 2, we visited a charming little town named Port Issac, known because it’s the filming location of the UK 🇬🇧 TV series Doc Martin, also our reason joining the tour. The small seaside fishing village is lovely and picturesque. We hope to return to Cornwall in 2023!
#travel #photography #portissac #unitedkingdom #docmartin
#docmartin #unitedkingdom #portissac #Photography #Travel #cornwall #2022flashback
Nyt tämä kytkee itsensä laturiin. Ja koska Rakkaat Lapset-sarjasta katsottu kaikki tarjolla olevat osa, niin DocMartin uusi kausi!
#rakkaatlapset #docmartin #yle