I like Docsify in general. Quite a useful and handy thing. I even made a wiki-like digital garden (or a dictionary) about product design.
But. The fourth version IMO is a little bit kind of a crap (sorry). I tried to make a simple template for mini-wikis. Just for future purposes.
And I really stucked at the Coverpage settings. I fix the Coverpage and get a bug with README. And opposite: fixing README leads to a buggy Coverpage behaviour.
Мне, в принципе, нравится Doscify. Неплохая, в целом, штука. Я с ее помощью даже сделал википодобный справочник-словарь по продуктовому дизайну (https://www.alexanderniki.name/handbook/).
Однако, червертая версия получилась какое-то немножко говно. Я попытался сделать себе шаблон для будущих мини-вики. И капитально застрял на настройке обложки. Чинишь обложку, отваливается контент главной страницы. Чинишь контент и - правильно! - отваливается обложка.
На github у них при этом куча разных issues, торчащих аж с 2018 года.
Generate web pages from Markdown with Docsify-This | OpenSource.com https://red.ht/3LI8vho #Markdown #DocSify
@toddconaway Here is the Paul Hibbitts (@hibbittsdesign) presentation on extending #Canvas I mentioned today: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1TrdliIdAcpFQ6oCz8xSOj9YJ0JcR9WSe7FS5YM0Ozhc/edit?usp=sharing -- it includes using #docsify (docsify-this.net). Haven't tried it myself yet, but looks really interesting (plus I've been using #Markdown since it was a new thing, so it feels good on the surface).
@tillgrallert @gisiger @makeratschool vllt kannst du was mit #Docsify von @hibbittsdesign machen? https://docsify-this.net/#/
Finally starting that #free #ebook on everything about creating character animation systems. From skinning, to animation, bone springs, all the way to IK & Auto Skinning Geometry. I'll slowing be writing the content as I recode #ossos.
RT @trusktr
I forked three-meshline, converted to #TypeScript fixed bugs, improved performance, and published the new docs on LUME's site! It was so easy with #docsify to have it load external markdown from the https://github.com/lume/three-meshline repo.
#markdown #JavaScript #webgl #threejs #WebDev #docsify #typescript
I forked three-meshline, converted to #TypeScript, fixed bugs, improved performance, and published the new docs on LUME's site! It was so easy with #docsify to have it load external markdown from the https://github.com/lume/three-meshline repo.
#markdown #javascript #webgl #threejs #webdev #docsify #typescript
RT @BlairChelin@twitter.com
If you are a developer and need to document your plugins or theme in WordPress, take a look at WPDocsify.
#wordpress #wordpressdeveloper #plugindevelopment #plugin #github #documentation #library #docsify
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BlairChelin/status/1552824779815604224
#wordpress #wordpressdeveloper #plugindevelopment #plugin #github #documentation #library #docsify
RT @trusktr@twitter.com
I finally converted #LUME's landing page from #React to #LumeElement for the component system!
All components are #CustomElements now, f.e.:
#LUME #webdev #3D #codeart #css #html #webgl #threejs #solidjs #meteorjs #docsify
#docsify #meteorjs #solidjs #threejs #webgl #html #css #codeart #3d #webdev #customelements #LumeElement #react #lume