@Syulang @mekkaokereke @carnage4life Espechally when the #tech used isn't even something #SpaceX invented: Their phased-array designs and active tracking tech is based upon @DLR 's #SANTANA2 project.
To grossly oversimplify: It's like an array of 3-axis active tracking dishes, but microscopic and without actually moving parts...
And for the network itself they just repurposed #DOCSIS but with multiple endpoints and made the handshake faster to allow smooth handover.
Nothing Groundbreaking...
#docsis #santana2 #SpaceX #Tech
@srgjp @peterjelinek *nickt zustimmend*
#RechtAufÖPNV in bezahlbar, barrierefrei und benutzbar sowie #RechtAufHomeoffice & #RechtAufGlasfaser (also #FTTB + #FTTH, keine #Krückentechnologie wie #FTTC + #VDSL oder #DOCSIS)...
Und die wenigen Anwendungsfälle mit #Verbrenner lassen sich inzwischen mit Methanol-Brennstoffzellen drop-in ersetzen.
#verbrenner #docsis #VDSL #fttc #kruckentechnologie #ftth #fttb #RechtAufGlasfaser #RechtaufHomeoffice #rechtaufopnv
@yassie_j @rail had the same in #EDGEland.
Shitty #ADSL cabling lines are like 2,8km long so all the #FTTC bs DOESN'T WORK and everything above 6M/1M [i.e. 18M/3M #ADSL2+ ] basically has so much packet loss and errors that it's even slower than the 6M/1M line before.
Fixed that at said location by getting #FTTB + #DOCSIS installed in the house.
#docsis #fttb #adsl2 #fttc #adsl #edgeland
@ClipHead @Talou @energisch_ @bahnkundenv
Ganz klare Zustimmung!
#WasFehlt ist hier konsequenter Ausbau von #ÖPNV, #ÖPFV & #FTTB / #FTTH [also echtes #Glasfaser, keine Verasche-#Krückentechnologie alla #Vectoring - #DSL und #DOCSIS - #Kabel!
#Kabel #docsis #dsl #Vectoring #kruckentechnologie #glasfaser #ftth #fttb #opfv #opnv #wasfehlt
Das ist auch ein Problem!
Was hilft:
#RechtAufHomeOffice & #RechtAufGlasfaser [#FTTB+ #FTTH, keine Verasche alla #DOCSIS & #Vectoring] und vorallem #RechtAufÖPNV in jedes Kaff!
Wenn #ÖPNV & #ÖPFV bequemer, flexibler, barriereärmer und günstiger als Autos sind werden diese bevorzugt werden.
#Tokio #singapur #Hongkong #opfv #opnv #rechtaufopnv #Vectoring #docsis #ftth #fttb #RechtAufGlasfaser #RechtaufHomeoffice
@Perowinger94 #RechtAufHomeoffice & #RechtAufGlasfaser [nur #FTTB + #FTTH, keine #Krückentechnologie wie #DOCSIS & #Vectoring] sowie #RechtAufÖPNV damit kein Mensch nen Auto braucht...
#rechtaufopnv #Vectoring #docsis #kruckentechnologie #ftth #fttb #RechtAufGlasfaser #RechtaufHomeoffice
DOCSIS 4.0 Certification Available
@lamp that's just a shitty #Ghettohack in #VDSL which shouldn't exist to begin with and is only being used to siphon public funds from #FTTB & #FTTH rollouts to shitty grifters...
Same with #DOCSIS 4.0...
What I want is 10Gbit/s FTTH for < €50 just like https://bahnhof.se offers it in #Stockholm!
#stockholm #docsis #ftth #fttb #VDSL #Ghettohack
@patrislav @thijs_lucas Ja, denn was wirksam ist wäre #RechtAufGlasfaser (#FTTB + #FTTH - keine #FTTC-Veratsche wie #VDSL - #Vectoring oder #DOCSIS-#Koaxkabel) & #RechtAufHomeoffice, #RechtAufÖPNV & #RechtAufÖPFV (mit Buslinie in jedes Kaff) sowie #PersonalLightVehicles statt #SuperUselessVehicles, brauchbare #Sammellieferdienste für z.B. Lebensmittel...
#sammellieferdienste #SuperUselessVehicles #personallightvehicles #rechtaufopfv #rechtaufopnv #RechtaufHomeoffice #koaxkabel #docsis #Vectoring #VDSL #fttc #ftth #fttb #RechtAufGlasfaser
@andreasschmal was viel wichtiger wäre: #ÖPNV & #ÖPFV - Aisbai sowie #RechtAufGlasfaser (#FTTB + #FTTH - symmetrisch & keine #Krückentechnologie vie #VDSL & #DOCSIS)...
#docsis #VDSL #kruckentechnologie #ftth #fttb #RechtAufGlasfaser #opfv #opnv
@bjo @33dBm Hinzu kommt das überbauen von #FTTB & #FTTH mit #Krückentechnologie|n wie #VDSL & #DOCSIS sowie #Verweigerung von #OpenAccess.
#openaccess #Verweigerung #docsis #VDSL #kruckentechnologie #ftth #fttb
之前聊了 #10BASE2 以及 #10BASE5
但是在廣域網路( #WAN ) 接取標準卻不是如此
#DOCSIS 就這樣出現了,嘗試透過已經存在的有線電視纜線 ( #Cable ) 來進行網際網路的傳送,應用在許多無法重新鋪設光纖線路的地區,而負責制定 DOCSIS 的組織 #CableLabs 也不斷的對 DOCSIS 進行提速,以目前最新的 4.0 版本也已經可以達到下載 10G 上傳 6G 的速度,與光纖常用的 #GPON 、 #EPON 相比也絲毫不遜色。
臺灣的有線電視業者也用 DOCSIS 提供有線網路接取服務,而目前政府的政策下逐步在更換為光纖,改為所有訊號都改為光纖傳送。
#10base2 #10base5 #Wan #docsis #cable #CableLabs #GPON #epon #Allen講看看 #台灣Vtuber #vtubers #vtuber #taiwan
@jwildeboer yeah.
Worse: @EU_Commission had to step in and ban #subsidies for #Vectoring (didn't do so for other crudges like #DOCSIS)...
IMHO tue @BNetzA should not have allowed the shutdown of #HyTNAS for shitty #Vectoring and instead the Government should've mandated the building and deployment if #OpenAccess #FTTB & #FTTH networks.
#ftth #fttb #openaccess #hytnas #docsis #Vectoring #subsidies
@jwildeboer @EU_Commission on stuff like #Vectoring and #DOCSIS, the specs don't really allow that.
Whereas on #GPON and espechally #Ethernet-based #fiber that would be feasible.
But also #throttling on #mobile networks (#2G / #3G / #4G #LTE / #5G) isn't done by properly negotiating a "link speed" or "link bandwith" but literally dropping/rejecting packets if that would exceed the configured speed is still not illegal.
#5G #lte #4g #3g #2G #Mobile #throttling #fiber #ethernet #GPON #docsis #Vectoring
@jwildeboer @EU_Commission If it were my decision, all lines would be symmetrical.
That being said shit like #xDSL and espechally #Vectoring and #DOCSIS are heavily asymetric.
Not mandating #FTTB & #FTTH coverage for every household as a must-provide utility at a fied rate like drinking water and electricity is the problem:
Cuz if it was my decision, every household would get two pairs of OS2 fiber laid and maybe some (x) #GPON in addition to that.
#GPON #ftth #fttb #docsis #Vectoring #xdsl
@AizawaTsuki @C99CXMOE 同軸接入普及跟鋪設成本真的是美國光纖化緩慢的主因之一
尤其目前廣域同軸網路 #DOCSIS 最新版協定把速度再拉升到 10G
@lamp if it was my decision, #FTTH with symmetric speeds at https://bahnhof.se prices [$50 for 10GBit/s symmetric) would be mandatory must-provide utility to every barn and shack.
Also #Cable as #SharedMedium is notorious for heavily asymetric shit, since #DOCSIS 3.1 maxes out at 1000M down and 50M up and DOCSIS 4.0 at 10G down 1G up.
#docsis #sharedmedium #cable #ftth