"Get the ‘Right’ Doctoral Researchers – Good Practice in Recruitment" >> may be interesting to @thesiswhisperer and @coolrobbie after our convo the other day
https://theauditorium.blog/2023/01/31/get-the-right-doctoral-researchers-good-practice-in-recruitment/ (from the fab blog The Auditorium, by Kay Guccione and her colleagues)
#PhDchat #HigherEd #Academia #DoctoralEducation #Recruitment
#phdchat #highered #academia #doctoraleducation #recruitment
Call for applications: "Governance and the Sustainable Development Goals", PhD course. Extended deadline! Please circulate widely!
#development #agenda2030 #doctoraleducation #phdtips #governance #SDGs
Still mourning my inability to go to any #postgraduate courses during my early #PhD as everything is cancelled due to #pandemic and I have to learn everything virtually on my own until I am in this sweet spot of neither beginner nor advanced without any systematic learning experience.
#AcademiaChat #student #StudentLife #postgraduatestudent #DoctoralStudents #doctoraleducation
#postgraduate #phd #pandemic #academiachat #student #StudentLife #postgraduatestudent #DoctoralStudents #doctoraleducation
Vous êtes #doctorant·e? Vous souhaitez comprendre la valeur des compétences transférables, les reconnaître chez vous, s'orienter pour les développer & les valoriser auprès des autres
Cet atelier est pour vous!
#UniFribourg #UniGenève #UniLausanne #UniNeuchâtel #GenevaGraduateInstitute
#doctoraleducation #formationdoctorale #genevagraduateinstitute #unineuchatel #unilausanne #unigeneve #unifribourg #doctorant·e