Whenever I watch someone reacting to #DoctorWho "Journey's End" I end up crying. Every single time.
Well. I'm intrigued. And yet I'm also a little nervous as Russell T Davies seems to be heading straight at the single most troubling element of his run on Doctor Who - the non-consentual memory wipe of Donna Noble.
One hopes that he's going to, at least, explore the issue with some care.
#doctorwho #doctordonna #donnanoble
✨new edit. And know this, Doctor Donna. You will never be forgotten. Our children will sing of the Doctor Donna. And our childrens’ children. And the wind and the ice and the snow will carry your names forever. Planet of the ood ✨ #doctorwho #newwho #tardis #doctordonna #timelord #davidtennant #catherinetate #donnanoble #tenthdoctor #fourteenthdoctor #dw60th #whovian #RTD #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoart #myedit #dwedit #ood
#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #doctordonna #timelord #davidtennant #catherinetate #donnanoble #tenthdoctor #fourteenthdoctor #dw60th #whovian #rtd #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoart #myedit #dwedit #ood
This Companion Relationship was too short lived