Question for #doctorsandmedicalprofessionals of Mastodon (#medstodon ? #doctortoots ?)
As an MD in Sweden I introduce myself to patients as “Name Surname, Physician” & expect them to call me by first name. Colleagues & nurses use first name. In charts it’s usually Dr Surname. When abroad, I’m not sure how to introduce myself. In a professional setting, is Dr Surname the way to go? What about social gatherings? My Swedish instinct is to drop the “doctor” - what’s the custom where you are?
#doctorsandmedicalprofessionals #medstodon #doctortoots
'Hard report to read': Change promised after inquiry uncovers raft of issues at Canberra mental health facility #news #DoctorsandMedicalProfessionals #StateandTerritoryGovernment #HealthcareFacilities #MentalHealth
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WA nurses union avoids deregistration, says no plans to strike again amid bitter pay row #news #DoctorsandMedicalProfessionals #StateandTerritoryGovernment #IndustrialRelations
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'The final frontier': How a new clinical trial is aiming to improve the lives of people with MS #news #DoctorsandMedicalProfessionals #MultipleSclerosis #MedicalResearch
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Stalking, blackmail, assault allegations not investigated in SA's biggest health network #news #DoctorsandMedicalProfessionals #StateandTerritoryParliament #HealthAdministration #HealthPolicy #PublicSector #Corruption #Health
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'It is concerning': Training accreditation withdrawn at Adelaide hospital's paediatric intensive care unit #news #DoctorsandMedicalProfessionals #StateandTerritoryGovernment #HealthAdministration #HealthcareFacilities #InfantHealth
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'Affront to workers': Doctors blast WA's industrial umpire over threat to deregister nurses union #news #DoctorsandMedicalProfessionals #StateandTerritoryGovernment #IndustrialRelations #Unions #Health
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New schools-based doctors a 'massive bonus' for rural kids like Ella #news #DoctorsandMedicalProfessionals #HealthPolicy #RuralYouth #Health #Rural
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How a town in 'desperate' need of doctors turned things around #DoctorsandMedicalProfessionals #HealthAdministration #RegionalCommunities
#doctorsandmedicalprofessionals #healthadministration #regionalcommunities
'As real as it gets' mannequins that moan and groan help doctors hone their skills #DoctorsandMedicalProfessionals #EmergencyCare #Health
#doctorsandmedicalprofessionals #emergencycare #health
WA nurses ordered to call off strike as bitter dispute with state government drags on #DoctorsandMedicalProfessionals #StateandTerritoryGovernment #GovernmentandPolitics #HealthcareFacilities #IndustrialRelations #PublicSector #Health
#doctorsandmedicalprofessionals #stateandterritorygovernment #governmentandpolitics #healthcarefacilities #industrialrelations #publicsector #health