***circling back***
Next, The Stephen King Cast recently published a quick discussion of the ending of Doctor Sleep. Does he think King nailed or failed the conclusion of that story?
Gizmodo: King on Screen Scratches the Surface of the Vast World of Stephen King Adaptations https://gizmodo.com/king-on-screen-stephen-king-movies-tv-documentary-revie-1850692500 #theshawshankredemption #entertainmentculture #barbaramuschietti #doloresclaiborne #vincenzonatali #stanleykubrick #taylorhackford #humaninterest #frankdarabont #denniswidmyer #daphnebaiwir #gregnicotero #mikeflanagan #thegreenmile #stephenking #doctorsleep #kevinkolsch #markllester #ianfleming #tomholland #mickgarris
#theshawshankredemption #entertainmentculture #barbaramuschietti #doloresclaiborne #vincenzonatali #stanleykubrick #taylorhackford #humaninterest #frankdarabont #denniswidmyer #daphnebaiwir #gregnicotero #mikeflanagan #thegreenmile #stephenking #doctorsleep #kevinkolsch #markllester #ianfleming #tomholland #mickgarris
Bon, certes j’étais jeune du coup #Shining m’avait pas trop marqué, mais je dois admettre que la suite #DoctorSleep me déçoit vraiment pas pour l’instant.
I really feel like people were hellbent on hating Doctor Sleep before it even got a trailer. It's a shame, because it's quite good. The extended cut is even better, and I'm not someone who ever says that.
If this was released today, I think Mike Flanagan's rep would have bought him the benefit of the doubt and it could have been a hit.
#doctor #horrorfam #doctorsleep #theshining #mikeflanagan # stephenking
#doctor #horrorfam #doctorsleep #theshining #mikeflanagan
Digna continuación de "EL RESPLANDOR". No he leído el libro por lo que no sé si algunas cosas que chirrían deberían hacerlo.
La has visto? Qué te pareció?
#doctorsueño #elresplandor #cine #art #arte #pelicula #peliculas #movie #theshining #doctorsleep #StephenKing
#doctorsueno #elresplandor #cine #art #arte #pelicula #peliculas #movie #theshining #doctorsleep #stephenking
Day 390
My short revisit to Doctor Sleep ends with Two Guys to the Dark Tower Came reviewing the movie adaptation.
Doctor Sleep (2019 movie)
They wrap up the book with a similar complaint that I had upon finishing it: The "good guys" (Danny & Abra) seemed to collectively be more powerful and intelligent than the True Knot and never in actual danger. Other than that, we absolutely loved it!
Doctor Sleep, Part 4, “Roof O’ the World” and “Until You Sleep”
Day 389
Two Guys to the Dark Tower Came continue with their reading of Doctor Sleep.
Doctor Sleep, Part 3, “Matters of Life and Death”
Finally for today, I'm listening to their third read-along episode.
Doctor Sleep, Part 2, “Empty Devils”
Most of these read-alongs are from people who are revisiting the books with a critical eye.
But it's much more fun when you get someone who is reading this for the first time, like with Two Guys to the Dark Tower Came!
Doctor Sleep, Part 1, “Abra”
To kick off this revisit, I tune in to Two Guys to the Dark Tower came and their read-along review of the novel.
Day 388
When I finished my journey step with #TheStand back on Jan 9, I decided to circle back on all the books I've completed so far and catch up on podcast episodes that had been recently released or newly discovered covering those books.
I'm now up to the sequel to #TheShining - a very fine novel called #DoctorSleep!
#thestand #theshining #doctorsleep #stephenking
Jack Torrance in better days
#theshining #jacknicholson #brucecampbell #jacktorrance #doctorsleep #Kubrick #stanleykubrick #stephenking #stephenkingbooks #horrorart #horrormovies #aiart #midjourney #aiphotography
#theshining #jacknicholson #brucecampbell #jacktorrance #doctorsleep #kubrick #stanleykubrick #stephenking #stephenkingbooks #horrorart #horrormovies #aiart #midjourney #aiphotography
I was watching #DoctorSleep last night and couldn't shake the feeling I was watching a #MikeFlanagan production given my experience with his stellar #Netflix shows. Turns out my hunch was right and he directed the movie. I really like the guy's style.
#doctorsleep #mikeflanagan #netflix
Ich habe gerade #DoctorSleep angeschaut, ohne zu wissen, um was es überhaupt geht. Natürlich war dann nach ein paar Sekunden klar, welche Geschichte hier weitererzählt wird. Fand ich gar nicht schlecht, jetzt möchte ich das Buch lesen.
My boyfriend introduced me the movie #doctorsleep. It was so good with a great cast
Btw. Can we appreciate together, how Henry Thomas started out playing young Elliot in Spielberg's #ET and who he's now playing in #DoctorSleep ? A very good choice, I have to say.
Btw. Can we appreciate together, how Henry Thomas started out playing yong Elliot in Spielberg's #ET and who he's now playing in #DoctorSleep ? A very good choice, I have to say.