Ouah. Je pensais que les photos précédentes étaient un rendu 3D. Mais c'est un jouet ! Mon ami avait raison. Je le veux (oui, malgré tout ce que j'ai écrit plus haut).
#doctorwho #DoctorWhoَ #doctorwhofan #drwho #drwhotheme #drwhofan #drwho #sonic #sonicscrewdriver #14thdoctor #14thdoctorsonicscrewdriver #review #doctorwhoreview #sonicreview #sonicscrewdriverreview #revue
#doctorwho #DoctorWhoَ #doctorwhofan #drwho #drwhotheme #drwhofan #sonic #sonicscrewdriver #14thdoctor #14thdoctorsonicscrewdriver #review #doctorwhoreview #sonicreview #sonicscrewdriverreview #revue
Mais honnêtement, je n'aime pas vraiment le tournevis lui-même. Une sorte de trop surchargé de détails, ce qui donne l'impression qu'il s'agit d'un rendu des fans. Cela semble cool individuellement in details, par example les engrenages tournants à la fin. Mais tous ensemble... Pas me plaît.
#doctorwho #doctorwhofan #sonicscrewdriver
#14thdoctor #14doctor #fourteenthdoctor
#14thdoctorsonicscrewdriver #review
#doctorwhoreview #sonicscrewdriverreview #revue
#doctorwho #doctorwhofan #sonicscrewdriver #14thdoctor #14doctor #fourteenthdoctor #14thdoctorsonicscrewdriver #review #doctorwhoreview #sonicscrewdriverreview #revue
Et le voici - la présentation la plus belle et la plus prétentieuse d'un tournevis de l'histoire. Juste wow. Je suis très ravie qu'on nous ait montré à quoi ressemble le mécanisme du tournevis à l'intérieur selon l’Univer du Docteur Who. Fantastique. C'est comme ça que je l'imaginais.
#doctorwho #doctorwhofan #sonicscrewdriver #14thdoctor #14doctor #fourteenthdoctor #14thdoctorsonicscrewdriver #review #doctorwhoreview #sonicscrewdriverreview #revue
#doctorwho #doctorwhofan #sonicscrewdriver #14thdoctor #14doctor #fourteenthdoctor #14thdoctorsonicscrewdriver #review #doctorwhoreview #sonicscrewdriverreview #revue
Enfin, on nous a montré le tournevis du 14ème Docteur. En regardant des bandes annonces avant, il m'a semblé qu'il avait un manche en bois et une pointe en forme de pelle de River Song. Et j'attendais vraiment peut-être le design le plus simple et le plus propre, comme un tournevis 9. Et j’ai trouvé un beau réplique de le.
#doctorwho #sonicscrewdriver #doctorwhofan #14thdoctor #14doctor #fourteenthdoctor #14thdoctorsonicscrewdriver #review #doctorwhoreview #sonicscrewdriverreview #revue
#doctorwho #sonicscrewdriver #doctorwhofan #14thdoctor #14doctor #fourteenthdoctor #14thdoctorsonicscrewdriver #review #doctorwhoreview #sonicscrewdriverreview #revue
Whew! Hats off to you for handling all that chaos! 😅👏 Isn't the universe full of surprises? Keep rocking those #SpaceAdventures 🚀💫 Stay strong, fellow Time Lord! 🌟 #DoctorWhoFan #IntergalacticHero #TimeTravel #MrBitcredible #BitBook
#spaceadventures #doctorwhofan #intergalactichero #timetravel #mrbitcredible #bitbook
Star date: 202212.30 ▫ What if in the future, the Doctor regenerates into a very familiar face? Fanart made with a combo of wonder.ai and faceapp ❤❤🌹➕🔷 billiepiper bbcdoctorwho #billiepiper #rosetyler #thedoctor #thefuturedoctor #doctorwho #drwho #doctorwhouniverse #drwhouniverse #doctorwho60thanniversary #drwho60thanniversary #doctorwho60th #drwho60th #doctorwhofan #drwhofan #doctorwhofanart #drwhofanart #fan #art #friday #fridays #fanart #fanartfriday #fanartfridays
#fanartfridays #fanartfriday #fanart #fridays #friday #art #fan #drwhofanart #doctorwhofanart #drwhofan #doctorwhofan #drwho60th #doctorwho60th #drwho60thanniversary #doctorwho60thanniversary #drwhouniverse #doctorwhouniverse #drwho #doctorwho #thefuturedoctor #TheDoctor #rosetyler #billiepiper
Star date: 202212.16 ▫ The Doctor comes out of retirement with a new face and encounters some familiar faces too. ❤❤➕🔷 #eighthdoctor #8thdoctor #paulmcgann #ninthdoctor #9thdoctor #christophereccleston #thirteenthdoctor #13thdoctor #jodiewhittaker #rosetyler #billiepiper #futuredoctor #doctorwho #drwho #doctorwhofan #drwhofan #doctorwhofanart #drwhofanart #fan #art #fanart #friday #fridays #fanartfriday #fanartfridays
#fanartfridays #fanartfriday #fridays #friday #fanart #art #fan #drwhofanart #doctorwhofanart #drwhofan #doctorwhofan #drwho #doctorwho #futuredoctor #billiepiper #rosetyler #jodiewhittaker #13thdoctor #thirteenthdoctor #ChristopherEccleston #9thdoctor #ninthdoctor #PaulMcGann #8thDoctor #eighthdoctor
Star date: 202212.16 ▫ The Doctor comes out of retirement with a new face and encounters some familiar faces too. ❤❤➕🔷 #eighthdoctor #8thdoctor #paulmcgann #ninthdoctor #9thdoctor #christophereccleston #thirteenthdoctor #13thdoctor #jodiewhittaker #rosetyler #billiepiper #futuredoctor #doctorwho #drwho #doctorwhofan #drwhofan #doctorwhofanart #drwhofanart #fan #art #fanart #friday #fridays #fanartfriday #fanartfridays
#fanartfridays #fanartfriday #fridays #friday #fanart #art #fan #drwhofanart #doctorwhofanart #drwhofan #doctorwhofan #drwho #doctorwho #futuredoctor #billiepiper #rosetyler #jodiewhittaker #13thdoctor #thirteenthdoctor #ChristopherEccleston #9thdoctor #ninthdoctor #PaulMcGann #8thDoctor #eighthdoctor
Supplemental ▫ After the Time War, the newly regenerated Romana finds herself in an alternate universe where the Doctor doesn't exist. ❤❤➕🔷 @juliet_landau @bbcdoctorwho #julietlandau #romanadvoratrelundar #romana #romana3 #timelord #timelady #gallifreyan #gallifrey #tardis #doctorwho #drwho #doctorwhouniverse #drwhouniverse #doctorwhofan #drwhofan #doctorwhofanart #drwhofanart #fan #art #friday #fridays #fanart #fanartfriday #fanartfridays
#fanartfridays #fanartfriday #fanart #fridays #friday #art #fan #drwhofanart #doctorwhofanart #drwhofan #doctorwhofan #drwhouniverse #doctorwhouniverse #drwho #doctorwho #tardis #Gallifrey #gallifreyan #timelady #timelord #romana3 #romana #romanadvoratrelundar #julietlandau
Supplemental ▫ After the Time War, the newly regenerated Romana finds herself in an alternate universe where the Doctor doesn't exist. ❤❤➕🔷 @juliet_landau @bbcdoctorwho #julietlandau #romanadvoratrelundar #romana #romana3 #timelord #timelady #gallifreyan #gallifrey #tardis #doctorwho #drwho #doctorwhouniverse #drwhouniverse #doctorwhofan #drwhofan #doctorwhofanart #drwhofanart #fan #art #friday #fridays #fanart #fanartfriday #fanartfridays
#fanartfridays #fanartfriday #fanart #fridays #friday #art #fan #drwhofanart #doctorwhofanart #drwhofan #doctorwhofan #drwhouniverse #doctorwhouniverse #drwho #doctorwho #tardis #Gallifrey #gallifreyan #timelady #timelord #romana3 #romana #romanadvoratrelundar #julietlandau
*Favourite classic Doctor is Tom Baker's 4th Doctor
*Loved RTD1-era and Moffatt-era. Chibnall-era has its moments.
*Favourite companion from the classic-era is Romana 1 & 2 and from the new-era is a tie between: Rose and Martha.
*Loved 13th Doctor despite Chibnall's writings.
*My favourite new-era Doctor is a tie between: War, 10th & 11th Doctors. 😊
#DoctorWho #DrWho #DoctorWhoFan #DrWhoFan
#drwhofan #doctorwhofan #drwho #doctorwho