Geeks anciens · @GeeksAnciens
664 followers · 336 posts · Server

Netflix va diffuser une série documentaire en quatre épisodes consacrée à la reine Cléopâtre. Les documentaires feront alterner des entretiens avec des spécialistes de la période et des scènes de reconstitution où Cléopâtre sera incarnée par Adele James. L'ensemble sera en ligne le 10 mai.
La bande-annonce sur Youtube :

#geeksanciens #egypteancienne #cleopatre #netflix #egypte #documentaire #docufiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Eye For Film · @EyeForFilm
364 followers · 571 posts · Server

'There is no scripted dialogue. There is no cut and retake. But there is a circle of characters who improvise the real life story, knowing that there is a camera there, being comfortable with this process,' Angelos Rallis on his hybrid film Might Afrin: In The Time Of Floods

#film #mightyafrin #tidff #docufiction #hybrid

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
254 followers · 663 posts · Server

For 2 1/2 hours, we follow Ventura, an eldery resident of Lisbon's slum known as Fontainhas, as he visits his various 'children' & have lengthy conversations with them. This DV shot film is remarkably beautiful. As with his other 2 in the trilogy, the film is an immersive experience: with its quiet protagonists and deliverately slow, leasurely pacing, you get to 'live in' with these souls in their darkness, listening to their stories.

#pedrocosta #fontainhastrilogy #portuguesecinema #docufiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Et voici le court-métrage réalisé par le Projet Méduses, et auquel j'ai participé au scénario 😁​

#sentientisme #Sentience #antispecisme #vegan #courtmetrage #docufiction #ProjetMeduses

Last updated 2 years ago

Pedro Silva · @pedrosilva
30 followers · 121 posts · Server

Didn't know about this disaster in , very curious to watch it:
"On May 17, 2006, a runaway goods train crashed into another locomotive in central Switzerland after travelling at high speeds for over 30 kilometres following a brake failure. Unable to regain control, three railway workers on board died."

#switzerland #docufiction

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

@cb the genre might be something you want to look for.
I recently watched an episode of Alien Worlds on Netflix which has a similar concept (though also still includes some real life background info for comparison).

From its Wikipedia description:

«Alien Worlds is a British sci-fi nature docufiction narrated by Sophie Okonedo. The 4-part miniseries, depicted by using CGI techniques, blends fact with science fiction and conceptualizes what alien life might be like by applying the laws of life on Earth to imagined exoplanets.[»


Last updated 3 years ago