veronica · @veronica
5 followers · 28 posts · Server


In my latest Substack post, I briefly described my surprise when finding a man that looks like homeless trespasser drinking water from the faucet in the kitchen of this office building. He offered me advertising space in a billboard, but when I asked for his business card, he told me he does not have one yet.

As I forecasted, he "happened to be exiting the office" when I came back from work

#police #illegal #harassment #surveillance #homeless #cheap #informants #doers

Last updated 1 year ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

> An educator..pointed
out..that everything in our traditional system of athletics is a weeding out..of people until there is only one left..the athletics..of most schools. We start off at first-grade level with 1,500 runners, players,
participants..By the end of high school we may have at most 100 [t]he other 1,400 are the stands, watching..maybe cheering.. ..are perfect for turning into
, into

#consumers #doers #watchers #participants #athletics #competitive

Last updated 3 years ago