@sbrt thanks for sharing this. Semi related, #dogbotic provides all remote #circuitbuilding and #circuitbending classes including building your own video circuits. I haven’t taken the class yet - one needs a CRT - but the syllabus looks great and the teachers are fantastic. https://dogbotic.com/signup/video-synth
#dogbotic #circuitbuilding #CircuitBending
@quephird if you liked the moog pillow, have I got a #threadcircuits #dogbotic class for you! https://dogbotic.com/signup/thread-and-circuits
I have a ton of resistors and caps from a couple of #dogbotic classes. Coin envelopes are a great cheap way to keep 'em organized. I keep these resistors in a clear Muji photo album, two envelopes per photo sleeve and will probably do the same with the caps envelopes.