The day is finally here!!! Are you ready? We're on our way up to Bellingham for this year's Whatcom Humane Society Dog Days of Summer!!!
Bring your friends, family and OF COURSE your doggos!!!! Pepare yourself for a day of activities and fun! We hope to see you all there 💙
#Dogs #DogDaysOfSummer #Bellingham #BellinghamWA #WhatcomHumaneSociety #WhatcomCounty #DogsOfMastodon #Puppies #PuppiesOfMastodon #DogFestival
#dogfestival #puppiesofmastodon #puppies #dogsofmastodon #whatcomcounty #whatcomhumanesociety #bellinghamwa #bellingham #dogdaysofsummer #Dogs
12,000 plus meters row done, I burned almost 1000 calories, had mango nectar, and tons of water, and a much needed shower. What this amounts to equals over half of the 40,000 meters of the #DogDaysOfSummer challenge by #Concept2 finished. Every week in August raises your required rowing 10,000 meters, week 1 beginning at 10, week 2 was 20,000, and onward. My plan is to finish all of it by tomorrow night, and since I now have only 17,000 and change left to do, this should be cake. Night night all.
We’re helping with yard work. #DogsOfMastodon #DogDaysOfSummer
#dogsofmastodon #dogdaysofsummer
Wake me up when the Dog Days of Summer are over!
#dogsofmastodon #dogs #spaniel #cockerspaniel #englishcockerspaniel #dogdaysofsummer #summer
#dogsofmastodon #dogs #spaniel #cockerspaniel #englishcockerspaniel #dogdaysofsummer #summer
#codered air quality here today. Was supposed to be #codeorange . The wildfires in #canada #canadianwildfires continue to send us smoke. Hazy and hot.
#summer #summertime #northcarolina #coder #dogdaysofsummer
#codered #codeorange #canada #canadianwildfires #summer #summertime #northcarolina #coder #dogdaysofsummer
It’s so hot, even the dog is melting. (Or she’s just pouting that it’s too hot outside to go for a walk.)
#Mondog #dogsofmastodon #dogdaysofsummer #corgi #heatwave
The MLB season reaches its ZENITH during the 'dog days of summer', when players endure scorching temperatures and high humidity. These environmental stressors can impact performance, as heat-induced fatigue and dehydration may compromise physical abilities. Nevertheless, teams must adapt to these challenging conditions to maintain peak performance and secure victories. Those are the facts. #MLB #DogDaysOfSummer