Meanwhile, on the opposite of the world, the anonymous Christian author of *The Cloud of #Unknowing * was giving instructions for apophatic #contemplation—a fancy term for wordless, non-conceptual, "just being" meditation.
(I did my dissertation on those two teachers. Different languages, and different cultural traditions, but very similar meditation instructions—and over time they each made similar edits in their instructions.)
#dogen #zen #contemplation #unknowing
日本建漂浮城市望 2030 年落成 能容納 4 萬人+提供電、食物及水
日本建築公司 N-Ark 近日宣布計劃推行漂浮城市 Dogen City,能承受任何與氣候變化有關的海平面上升 […]
The post 日本建漂浮城市望 2030 年落成 能容納 4 萬人+提供電、食物及水 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#科技趣聞 #Dogen City #N-Ark #漂浮城市
We all agree that Dr. Christian Shephard and Dogen are the cutest couple on Lost. #Lost #DrChristianShephard #JohnTerry #Dogen #HiroyukiSanada
#lost #drchristianshephard #johnterry #dogen #hiroyukisanada
An apocryphal tale of dogen.
A student asked Dogen once "if the goal is goalless practice should I try to not have that as the goal or make that my goal"
Dogen looked serious, sternly he was lost in thought then in a moment of inspiration he whispered with glaring eyes "fuck you man, I am not enlightened."
The next day he was asked the same question by the same student and said after smacking him "enlightenment is always on time and your ass better be there" #Zen #koan #Dogen
Blended image, "and yet", 2023, #photomontage #collage #pariscollageclub
Excerpt from “Being-Time”
#Dogen, #shobogenzo ... "Know that in this way there are myriads of forms and hundreds of grasses throughout the entire earth, and yet each grass and each form itself is the entire earth"
sources: 1) download via @museumsvictoria @pariscollagecollective 2) New Bedford street art #pasteup William Street between Purchase and Second streets 3) Hat, an ear, hair @Wikipedia @librarycongress
#pasteup #shobogenzo #dogen #pariscollageclub #Collage #Photomontage
I finished the first book of the Shinji Shobogenzo yesterday. The koans are often funny and relaxed, with simple messages about not intellectualizing or trying; just being. Being yourself, to the fullest extent, and acting accordingly. Such heartening messages.
Aktuell lese ich "Don't be a Jerk" von Brad Warner. Brad versucht hier, den Text von Dogens Shobogenzo in alltägliches Englisch zu bringen und schreibt sehr viele erläuternde Einleitungen. Es liest sich sehr schön und auch wenn Brad immer etwas arg versucht, hip und cool zu sein, ist der Wesenskern des Stoffes frei von Attitüde.
#buch #bradwarner #zen #shobogenzo #dogen
Since everything is impermanent, there is nothing that can be relied upon. Like a dewdrop on a blade of grass along the path that vanishes quickly, who knows when this life will end. This body is surely not my possession. Life, changing in time, does not stop even for an instant.
“Students of the Way, when you want to say something, reflect on it three times. If it is beneficial to both yourself and others, then say it. If it is not beneficial, remain silent. This is difficult to achieve immediately. Keep this in mind and gradually put it into practice.”
Dogen's Shobogenzo Zuimonki
By Eihei Dogen
Translated by Shohaku Okumura
“This teaching of casting off body and mind articulated by both Hongzhi and Dogen points to the essence of silent illumination, which is simply focusing awareness on the totality of self to return to and enact the bright shining empty field that is our own fundamental nature.”
― Taigen Dan Leighton, Cultivating the Empty Field
#zen #dogen #hongzhi #shikantaza
Don’t Forget How Things Really Are - Koun Franz
"Of course, we all engage in hollow discussions, or at least silly ones. We joke, we kick around dumb ideas, we speculate about things. That’s natural, and it can be fun. But the point here is more about how we understand those discussions."
Blended image, "Who Hears?", 2022 #photomontage. Artwork responding to #JoanSutherland's, "Through Forests of Every Color". => "#Koans take you into the vast stillness, and they hold you right up against life, until eventually the two become one radiant, heartbreaking, continuous field... 'What is the sound of one hand?' is accompanied by another koan, 'Who is the one who is hearing that sound?' which is simplified to 'Who Hears?' and sometimes just 'Who?'" #Zen #Dogen #turningword
#turningword #dogen #zen #koans #joansutherland #Photomontage
A little more intro. I’m also a student of #Zen #Buddhism and have the wild dream of learning #ClassicalJapanese and #ClassicalChinese to read some of my favorite texts in the original (#Dogen #Hongzhi). Would love to follow more #Buddhist mastodoners if I can find you.
#zen #buddhism #classicaljapanese #ClassicalChinese #dogen #hongzhi #buddhist
To study the Buddha Way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be actualized by myriad things. When actualized by myriad things, your body and mind as well as the bodies and minds of others drop away. No trace of realization remains, and this no-trace continues endlessly.
Blended image, "Beyond Thinking", June, 2022
When Yaoshan was sitting, a monk asked him, "In steadfast sitting, what do you think? Yaoshan said "Think not-thinking." "How do you think not-thinking?" Yaoshan replied, "Beyond thinking." #Shobogenzo #Dogen #SunriseSit #Zen #BeyondThinking #thinknotthinking
Sources: 1) figure by @sophiegunnol 2) set design by #AnnHamilton, 3) bouquet of flowers #odilonredon #photocollage #photomanipulation #Photomontage
#Photomontage #photomanipulation #PhotoCollage #odilonredon #annhamilton #thinknotthinking #beyondthinking #zen #sunrisesit #dogen #shobogenzo
@sikka yes and... there is putting out, starting, and observing the fire. From #Shobogenzo ("Receiving the Marrow by Bowing") #Dogen, "Practice by brushing off the fire on your head, or practice by standing
on your toes. Practice with heart, practice with beyond-heart, practice even with half a heart." 🙏
Too many people struggle with #meditation because they imagine it to be a thing one has to do.
When in fact it is #nondoing. It is not even a struggle against the mind. It is not a struggle against the environment. Where there is struggle there is no meditation. It is allowing.
As is, we are.
As #Dogen says, meditation is the universe breathing through you.
#stillness #buddhism #shamata #zen #zazen #mindfulness #dogen #nondoing #meditation
@im Tiens, ça me fait penser à "Instructions au cuisinier zen" par #Dogen 😄 :
"Un esprit clarifié et tranquille n'est ni borgne ni aveugle, il embrasse tous les aspects de la réalité. La feuille de légume que vous tenez dans votre main devient le corps sacré de l'ultime réalité et ce corps que vous tenez avec respect redevient simple légume. L'exercice de ce merveilleux pouvoir de transformation est le propre de l'activité de bouddha dont profitent tous les êtres."
"No Trace", July 2022. #photomontage #blendedimage
Excerpt from "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind", "No Trace", #ShunryuSuzuki #Dogen #Zen #Zazen
"When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself...When this kind of activity takes place, one activity covers everything."
sources: 1) ""Red Horse", oil on canvas on wood by Tom Oreel 2) light sculpture by @massimoubertistudio via @sophiegunnol 3) painting of horse by #susanrothenberg
#susanrothenberg #zazen #zen #dogen #shunryusuzuki #blendedimage #Photomontage