Servelan · @servelan
500 followers · 17568 posts · Server

If you know, you know:


Last updated 1 year ago

Morgan · @qwyllion
9 followers · 69 posts · Server

Yesterday, my ~85yo neighbor hosted a BBQ.

At some point, someone threw grilled hot dogs over the fence into my yard. (What? Why?)

This morning, my dog found the hot dogs and ate one before I had time to react and throw the other two I saw back over the fence. (I do this with her cat's poo, too, because I'm an adult who is great at conflict.)

Long story short, my dog has had hot-dog farts all day.

#neighbors #hotdog #dogfarts

Last updated 1 year ago

Delia Christina · @DeliaChristina
1722 followers · 5240 posts · Server

Alicia the Dog Trainer is so reassuring.

Yeah, it could be that's her schtick. But I need her schtick. I need the confidence to be Benson's guardian.

Today we concentrated on building my leash skills and helping Benson understand what his role is when we are Working, i.e., on the leash.

Turns out the discipline I use when it's time to get Benson on/off the BART is the same discipline I should be using in most situations.

But, she reminded me, it's also a time for me and Benson to find ways to celebrate how far we've come. He's a happy, safe dog now and that's nothing to sneeze at.

So we celebrated with two ciders at Ben N Nick's for me and a basket of unsalted fries for Benson.

#bensonupdate #ladybachelor #sorrynotsorry #dogfarts #dogsofmastodon #dogsofbayarea #sfba #oakland

Last updated 2 years ago

Dogboy Mulder didn’t get to sleep on the bed last night due to his stinky farts, so instead he rattled the living room door at 3:15 am, went out for a pee (which he never does if he’s in the bedroom) and I think I dropped off again around 4:30am. 😴 It’s medication week this week so I’m extra knackered for having injected my on Sunday. I’m going back to bed after my morning shift. 10am can’t come soon enough. 😅

#multiplesclerosis #ms #disruptedsleep #dogfarts #homeworker #plegridy

Last updated 2 years ago