I have waited for you
too long
cried out to you
in all the ways I know
but no response
so now I press you
for six brief seconds
and you are gone
briefly mourned
then restarted
#poetry #doggerel #frozen #crash #secondtimetoday
Once I built a theory
For the fun
Made it work for all time.
Once I built a theory
Now it's done
Buddy, can you paradigm?
'Heavenly chorister':
To the memory of Hugh Janus Dwyer,
A climate change champion denier.
When they said the world now was on fire
He just called each and everyone “liar”.
As he turned up his barbecue higher
People said it could be his own pyre.
Such a shame he threw on that big tyre
For he’s now joined the heavenly choir.
#doggerel #rhymingcouplets #humour #climatechange
Chipmunk, chipmunk sittin' on a log,
Along came a cat, along came a dog,
Chipmunk, chipmunk runnin' up a tree,
Happy solstice to you, happy solstice to me.
Rodin was a sculptor;
Odin's a god.
--oh, and William S. Burroughs?
Well, he's on the nod.
#Doggerel #TuckerCarlson
Goodbye to Tucker the fascist buffoon
Dominion outfoxed him not one bit too soon
He'll move on to NewsMax or some other sewer
With much less in salary and far fewer viewers
Where he can spew falsehoods to the stupid and blind
Who can't tell that his nose smells of Putin's behind
(If you like it, please boost it)
Wang Heqing (13th c.) - “On a Long-Haired Little Dog”
This misbegotten little thing
is nowhere to be found in the 'Shan-Hai jing.'
I pronounce this ball of fur a malevolent sprite —
A dust-mop with a nasty bite.
王和卿 - 長毛小狗
#ChineseLiterature #Translation #YuanSanqu #Doggerel (sorry) #Poetry #散曲
#Chineseliterature #translation #yuansanqu #doggerel #poetry #散曲
They're coming for books and abortion
In a silent long black unmarked car
They're coming for queer folks and lefties
They're coming for NPR.
They don't have compassion or scruples
They love to drink liberal tears
In rage tweets they trumpet their mission
To set the clock back eighty years
But it's not like you're even affected
So kick back and finish that brew
And if you don't choose to follow the news
You won't know they're coming for you
#TrumpIndictment #Doggerel
It's spring, time for wild abandon
So cancel whatever you planned on
Then go take a dump
Don't worry 'bout Trump
Cause the bastard's got no leg to stand on
As I linger, COVID-leary, hunting for distraction,
I scrape the barrel of screen-inaction,
Seeking in my lackadaisical fashion,
For a hint of intellectual satisfaction.
Lo in the credits now unwinding,
A mystery of linguistic pining,
How does this borrowed thing,
Appear in transliteration surprising?
One of the features of Japanese is that it is filled with words borrowed from Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, German, and English. Some have familiar meanings and pronunciations, and some have been remixed in ways that you might need a detective to unravel.
While de-stressing with some low-conflict anime¹, I watched the end credits scroll by and wondered why 「キャスト」(kyasuto) was the transliteration chosen for "cast". The 「キャ」(kya) mora (syllable) seemed like an odd choice in the absence of other factors.
The villain, as I see it, appears to be either a conscious choice to separate English homophones, or (perhaps more likely) two unrelated borrowings from different dialects of English.
US "cast" → /kæst/ → キャスト
UK "caste" → /kɑːst/ → カースト
But in either US or UK English, "cast" and "caste" are homophones! (Sometimes even along with "karst".)
On the Mac command line, we can recover much of the detail, without human contact because some text-to-speech engines approximate English, Japanese, or IPA phonetics. (But not one does all three.)
say -v Victoria -r 120 cast caste ; say -v Victoria -r 120 '/kæst/' '/kɑːst/' ; say -v Daniel cast caste ; say -v Kyoko -r 120 'キャスト、カースト'
¹ Hulu in the US has both Bofuri (痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います) and By the Grace of the Gods (神達に拾われた男) which feature gentle, stress-free fun
#Mac #phonetics #doggerel #poetry #katakana #English #anime #Japanese #loanwords
#loanwords #japanese #anime #english #katakana #poetry #doggerel #phonetics #mac
("I've been waiting for a jury like you to come into my life")
Trump is finally indicted
May the long arm of law reach that far
He prob'ly stole nuclear secrets
But the charge is he bribed a pornstar
So prison is highly unlikely
Unless they can charge him with more
Jack Smith hasn't showed us his hand yet
I hope jail isn't just for the poor
("I've been waiting for a jury like you to come into my life")
Trump is finally indicted
May the long arm of law reach that far
He prob'ly stole nuclear secrets
But the charge is he bribed a pornstar
So prison is highly unlikely
Unless they can charge him with more
Jack Smith hasn't showed us his hand yet
I hope jail isn't just for the poor
Eight arms have eight brains
Eight poets write eight #haiku
About eating crabs
Estuve viendo a los #Pixies el viernes en #Madrid. Viva el rock. #Doggerel #Winterlong #HeadOn #ViveLeRock #pollavieja
#pollavieja #vivelerock #HeadOn #winterlong #doggerel #madrid #pixies
Summer is a-coming, summer is a-coming... [Ad lib under]
Tis the season
to be rascally
Dipped in butter
and rolled and parsley
Though the laundry bill
Is something ghastly
This improves my
mood so vastly
Think 2020 Coca-Cola 'holidays are coming' advert.
Or maaaaybe 'Bread Of Heaven', with a Shoehorn.
I always had a talent
for writing words that rhyme
You'll be a famous poet,
Said my family, given time
So then I went to college
Where I studied with the best
I put my talent on the line
And put it to the test
Professors turned their noses up
And said "Must you be so?
The greats are writing free verse now,
You must be last to know"
The critics words were hurtful
But today I'm doing well
For I have social media
To fill with doggerel
A lot of Teslas
A Lot of Teslas
lose at floats,
eat last fools.
Also, felt oats.
Alt loots safe?
O fast sea toll:
Lo! Seat floats!
Aft stool seal
toast, so, fella,
sale: fast loot!
Lol, oafs taste
stools fatale.
Lost a fleat, so
toe-fall, a toss.
Alas, toots elf.
In the beginning
was the word, and every
body knows it's bird.
#doggerel #haiku #575prompt #beginning
"By hook or by crook
I'll write a book
About how to cook a rook!"
Said the old chook
I gave her a look
And said like a sook
"I don't give a fook."
#doggerel #SmallPoem #unsupportive
#doggerel #smallpoem #unsupportive