Rachel F. Elson · @rachel_elson
143 followers · 737 posts · Server sfba.social
Instagram - John Law on Instagram: "Well, it is the best of times, it is the worst of times as they say. We had a great event last night at the Savoy Tivoli and several other bars in North Beach Area showing movies as part of Rob Schmitt Films With Friends debut. We wrangled one of the Dogs from the installation in Golden Gate Park to park out front of the bar for the event. Just before the show in North Beach, we were informed that some psycho had burned one of the two Dog Heads that was in Golden Gate Park. We will probably have to take the two remaining Dogs out of the park and back home to their kennel. It's just too much of a risk. The way the fire seems to have gone, somebody was really trying to get it going and probably ran off when they were surprised by someone else or got scared or who knows. Someone either put it out or it just burned out itself and did not completely destroy the Dog. Needless to say, can't take the risk anymore. It's been a great installation and a lot of fun and I know a lot of people got some very positive vibes from the Dogs in the park. The City Parks and Rec and Ben Davis have been good to work with - we had hoped to keep them there til the end of Summer but it's just too risky now. I have to say though, having them out there since last October and only a couple of minor tags is not that bad. Also, the Dog Head is completely repairable from what I can see from the photos that is. More on this later. Oh, I got the Covid too. Anybody at the Savoy Tivoli event last night should take a test. Thank you all for coming out to the event last night and North Beach, and as they said in Galaxy Quest : "Never Give Up! Never Surrender!" 😁"

Why we can't have nice things...

RT @docpop
Last night, someone set fire to one of the Doggie Diner heads in the .

John Law, the keeper of the famous heads, says the damage is repairable, but it's time to bring his dogs home. Yes, I know how ridiculous that sentence sounds.

"We had hoped to keep them there til the end of Summer but it's just too risky now. I have to say though, having them out there since last October and only a couple of minor tags is not that bad."


#GoldenGatePark #doggiediner #sanfrancisco

Last updated 1 year ago

JeanTangerine · @JeanTangerine
55 followers · 331 posts · Server sfba.social

I still vote for the Doggie Diner head to be one of SFBA's emojis. Just sayin. sfgate.com/obscuresf/article/D

#doggiediner #sanfrancisco

Last updated 2 years ago