Why we can't have nice things...
RT @docpop
Last night, someone set fire to one of the Doggie Diner heads in the #GoldenGatePark.
John Law, the keeper of the famous heads, says the damage is repairable, but it's time to bring his dogs home. Yes, I know how ridiculous that sentence sounds.
"We had hoped to keep them there til the end of Summer but it's just too risky now. I have to say though, having them out there since last October and only a couple of minor tags is not that bad."
https://www.instagram.com/p/CtzX4AqBvxR/ #DoggieDiner #SanFrancisco
#GoldenGatePark #doggiediner #sanfrancisco
I still vote for the Doggie Diner head to be one of SFBA's emojis. Just sayin. https://www.sfgate.com/obscuresf/article/Disembodied-Doggie-Diner-landmark-16797892.php
#doggiediner #sanfrancisco