Ahoy fellow Pachyderms, Dismal Manor Gang has a thing going on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Staff bakes fresh waffles for us (him). And we get a corner each. A bake makes 4 tiles. Staff will devour two. That leaves two. These are quartered and we each get a corner or a “corner” if he cuts them into triangles. #Greyhound #DogLive #DogsOfMastodon -- The catsies can have their #Caturday! We’ll take Waffle Wednesday. #ZSHQ #PalsPorch
#palsporch #zshq #Caturday #dogsofmastodon #doglive #greyhound
#sunday #mongrel #coffee #show #billiethedog #proud #rovinari #romania #streetdogsoffediverse #romanianstreetdog #prototerrier #sweetheart #dogontraining #doglive #dogsoffediverse #fedidog #dogsofmastadon
#sunday #mongrel #coffee #show #billiethedog #proud #rovinari #romania #streetdogsoffediverse #romanianstreetdog #prototerrier #sweetheart #dogontraining #doglive #dogsoffediverse #fedidog #dogsofmastadon