Heiner Flassbeck: Obviously, American #pragmatism in matters of economic policy is far superior to #German & #European #dogmatism https://tinyurl.com/muzkynzx
#pragmatism #german #european #dogmatism
What do folks think of this article of balancing between dogmatism and opportunity in the movements and building the left
https://socialistcall.com/2023/05/17/dogmatism-opportunism-definition/ #Dogmatism #Opportunism #socialist #marxist #left
#dogmatism #opportunism #socialist #marxist #left
This is a great piece to read and worth the read and discussion on the suggested balance of thought and practice
https://socialistcall.com/2023/05/17/dogmatism-opportunism-definition/ #left #socialist #dogmatism #opportunism
#left #socialist #dogmatism #opportunism
To me, one of the most damaging things about the #culturewars is the #dogmatism. People will dismiss you if they sense a *hint* of disagreement with the latest thinking on racial inequity, gender identity, etc - often out of self-preservation. What do people *really* believe?
If we put explicit #fideism (faith) and #dogmatism to one side - pretty much everyone bases their beliefs on some sort of "evidence and reasoning".
But we need the courage to consider whether we're applying *good* evidence and reasoning.
Not just when it suits us, either!
The Rise and Fall of #Science in The #MiddleEast
> @neiltyson explains how #Baghdad used to be the most flourishing place for #scientific #discovery - but it collapsed under the curtains of #religious #dogmatism. Will the same thing happen in the United States?
#science #middleeast #baghdad #scientific #discovery #religious #dogmatism
A quotation from La Bruyere, Jean de:
Profound ignorance makes a man dogmatical; he who knows nothing thinks he can teach others what he just now has learned himself.
[C’est la profonde ignorance qui inspire le ton dogmatique. Celui qui ne sait rien croit enseigner aux autres ce qu’il vient d’apprendre lui-même.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #certainty #dogmatism #ignorance #knowledge #learning #truebeliever
#quote #quotes #quotation #certainty #dogmatism #ignorance #knowledge #learning #truebeliever
So I rarely speak theory, but when I do it usually looks like this: I see a lot of different #Anarcho labels (and a couple of Marxists) have come onboard recently, first of all, thank you, welcome, I hope you'll enjoy the ride.
Over the years I have self-labeled as almost every flavor of #Anarchist (save for those who are obviously oxymorons; yes ancaps I am indeed looking at you) like most I did so even before I actually was one, like few I have done so since forever, the reason for that is that my father was an abusive P.O.S profem masculinist Nietzschean who self id'd as an Anarchist. If anything for me #Praxis started with challenging him, and believe me being raised amongst that crowd did NOT make my political trajectory easier. Far from it, deconstructing their contradictions was no easy task.
[Sidenote: I hate to be gatekeepy but this and sadly too many subsequent experiences have convinced me that the low cost of self-labeling as an anarchist is a serious issue, an opsec issue and worse even more often than not a safety issue.]
I'm wary of #labels (and even more so of online label based in-fighting), while I've from a very young age enjoyed reading a lot of theory, I ain't a theorist nor tbh do I particularly enjoy theory conversations, they serve a very important purpose, no doubt about that, but I don't enjoy them (even less so IRL).
#AnarchistTheory without praxis is just circle-jerking and virtue-signaling, labels can be helpful online and in other spaces where we can't openly talk about or do #Praxis, it helps weed out the openly problematic ones and defines the limits of a common language but it often draws unnecessary lines (not to mention attracts the follow police) I ain't gonna peddle no Anarchist or left Unity bullshit, even less so relativism, but praxis is where it's at, and meaningful praxis is many fold, draws it's inspiration from most kind of flavors of #Anarchism (or at least it should), in the same way that there is no magic bullet to fix climate change, there is no one size fits all framework for Anarchism (especially not if we ever hope to scale) anything else is just #cosplay at best and #dogmatism at worst, more often than not both.
Those who know me from previous accounts won't be surprised from where I'm going with this, if anything the surprise is that this account is almost 2 months old and I still haven't done a post like this one: this is about telling you that reading William Gillis is fucking worth it, it will challenge you and few people are as consistent, thought-provoking, pertinent and unafraid to be unpopular when needed.
This post is mainly for my newfound ancoms and marxist-adjacent moots, don't get hung up on the word "market", while I, of course, don't agree with everything they wrote, I have yet to find a more meaningful contemporary theorist or complete/consistent framework.
Following and reading @rechelon work (which -and this is an understatement- has some fucking range) is amongst the best things you can do to keep your thoughts in movement.
As for me if you ask me what kind of anarchist I am, the honest answer would be that that depends on the time of the day and the project (praxis) I'm currently busy with.
#anarcho #Anarchist #praxis #labels #anarchisttheory #anarchism #cosplay #dogmatism
Sam Harris vs. Jordan B. Peterson: #Religious #Dogmatism
#atheism vs #christianity
#religious #dogmatism #atheism #christianity
From the archive: Mandi Astola asks whether individual members’ unitelligence can make a group smarter http://imperfectcognitions.blogspot.com/2021/12/when-unintelligence-makes-group-smarter.html #intelligence #thinking #dogmatism @philosophy
#dogmatism #thinking #intelligence
@tastytea In short: "AntiD" is dogmatic Zionism and the dogmatic opposition of dogmatic "anti-imperialism". Lots of #dogmatism... The worst of them will even carry flags of the USA, UK, and other "allies" of Israel.
They usually don't tolerate Israel-critical stances and won't join forces where nationalistic symbols are unwanted.
(Cf. "Roadmap: Politische Mindeststandards gegen linken Antizionismus", which can be found on several German Antifa sites.)
This is how they look like:
- <https://invidious-us.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UKEfJAcNG3Y> (note the US and UK flags!)
Some more articles:
- <https://www.bpb.de/politik/extremismus/linksextremismus/33626/antideutsche-und-antiimperialisten>
- <https://www.antifainfoblatt.de/artikel/es-gibt-keine-bedingungslose-solidarit%C3%A4t>
The last linked article (No Unconditional Solidarity) has a quite balanced stance and opposes both kinds of dogmatism. (It leaves out the Jewish opposition of Zionism, though.)
CC @TheRebelUnleashed@todon.nl: Maybe you're interested in this discussion?