So uncool to be OK with a dog that is aggressive to postal workers ...or noisy to neighbors.
#Class #Empathy #Humanity #Dog #DogOwners #USPS #CommonSense #Accountability
#class #empathy #humanity #dog #dogowners #usps #commonsense #accountability
#Leash your dog when outside. Always. Even in your own yard.
Because when we walk by with our dog, and your dog sees our dog, and decides to be aggressive, that’s a problem. Your dog doesn’t care about property lines, or umbrella insurance, or the road, or whatever it is you are saying about “Come back!” All they are interested in is how close they can get to our dog, and can they attack him.
Because reasons, two effing nights in a row.
Dogs: the only animal that will love you unconditionally also likes arses
#dog #DogOwners #dogs #news #PetOwners #pets #satire
In an effort to understand why dogs like humans and arseholes some scientists did some serious research. People died during this study so pay attention. This is no joke!
Researchers at Crufts University and the Dalmatian Research institute embarked on a study to first work out which animals liked, and ultimately loved humans.
#dog #dogowners #dogs #News #petowners #pets #satire
Dogs: the only animal that will love you unconditionally also likes arses
#dog #DogOwners #dogs #news #PetOwners #pets #satire
In an effort to understand why dogs like humans and arseholes some scientists did some serious research. People died during this study so pay attention. This is no joke!
Researchers at Crufts University and the Dalmatian Research institute embarked o
#dog #dogowners #dogs #News #petowners #pets #satire
Pile up on the bend! Now who's going to pick it up this time? #shame #dogowners #litter #leaveNOtrace
#shame #dogowners #litter #leavenotrace
Global News BC: Abandoned puppies found in box in Burnaby, B.C. park recovering: BC SPCA #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #GermanshepherdsfoundBurnaby #abandonedpuppiesBurnaby #dogfosterhomes #AbandonedPets #dogfosters #dogstories #dogowners #Canada #BCSPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #germanshepherdsfoundburnaby #abandonedpuppiesburnaby #dogfosterhomes #abandonedpets #dogfosters #dogstories #dogowners #Canada #BCSPCA
Not sure what pisses me off more: The bags or dog owners who do this.
Bin mir nicht sicher, was mich mehr ankotzt: Die Beutel oder solche Hundebesitzer.
#dogs #dogowners #hunde #hundebesitzer #plastic #plastik #plastikpollution #umweltverschmutzung
#umweltverschmutzung #plastikpollution #plastik #plastic #hundebesitzer #hunde #dogowners #dogs
"I put a net in the car so my dog wouldn't distract me while driving."
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Driving #Jokestodon #Dogstodon #DogsOfMastodon #PetOwnership #PetOwners #DogOwnership #DogOwners #PetSafety #DogSafety
#hootintootintuesday #Mastodon #Humor #humour #funnymeme #driving #jokestodon #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon #petownership #petowners #dogownership #dogowners #petsafety #dogsafety
I don't know if it's like this all over the world, but in my area, when dog owners meet outside for the first time, they usually introduce their dog and its name, or they always ask for my dog's name but not mine. The dog owners themselves usually only introduce themselves after a few encounters. It's actually strange.
#dogowners #psychology
A Complete Guide to What Fruits Dogs Can and Cannot Eat? - PetCareClub
Feeding some fruits can be beneficial and some can be toxic for your furry friends so be careful about what fruits are you offering to your canine. Read the latest article on PetCareClub to know all about what fruits dogs can and cannot eat?
#petfoodtips #petcare #dogtips #dogfood #dogowners #dogsofmastodon
#petfoodtips #petcare #dogtips #dogfood #dogowners #dogsofmastodon
Destressing with Jet after morning walk where a dog charged at him on the footpath. And this after last night's walk when a dog ran across the road barking at Jet. Common factor: Jet was on leash, and the other dogs were not! 🤬
#dogs #dogowners #responsibledogownership
#DogOwners ‘Lost/Stolen #Urgent
#augie #petproducts #petaccessories #premiumpetfood #petparents #petowners #pets #petlovers #pethealthcare #petfoodindustry #dogfood #puppyfood #puppylove #doghealth #doglovers #dogowners #catsoflinkedin #dogsoflinkedin #catfood #petshoponline #dogsofinstagram #dog #trending #puppylove
#trending #dog #dogsofinstagram #Petshoponline #catfood #dogsoflinkedin #catsoflinkedin #dogowners #doglovers #DogHealth #puppylove #puppyfood #dogfood #petfoodindustry #pethealthcare #petlovers #pets #petowners #petparents #premiumpetfood #petaccessories #petproducts #augie
I don't care if your dog is friendly. Keep them on a leash. Maybe my dog isn't friendly, or maybe my dog is old and sick and doesn't want to have a young energetic dog running around him. Or maybe I'm sick and I don't want to have to deal with any of that. You don't know what other dogs/owners are going through, you don't know them, so keep your fucking dog on a leash, ask others if they are OK with the dogs making contact and only then let them approach. Don't be a douche bag! #dog #DogOwners
How are our dogs so very sensitive to every change of mood and health? So derpy for most of the day, but then, a Jedi-level awareness of every person’s disposition?
#dogs #dogowners #acd #australiancattledog #bordercollie
This morning, I caught someone putting their golden retriever's dog poop in my recycle bin.
Although I could have yelled in a far more aggressive manner as she glared at me while turning to walk away, the incident reminds me of how my mom would deal with bad neighbors years ago who wouldn't clean up their dog poop: Scoop it into a fancy gift box from a local department store, then add a bow and a curt note reading "You forgot something," and leave it at their door.
100% of fireworks fans and 100% of fireworks practitioners are human beings of lower intelligence. The reaction of dogs to what those low-class humans inflict on a NYE confirms that. And the mess they leave behind is nothing but the residue of stupidity. #dogs #dogowners #domination #evolution #intelligence #ptsd #PTSDAwareness #FireworksPets #fireworks #nye #environment #lowerclasshumans #inhumane #disgrace #disgusting
#disgusting #disgrace #inhumane #lowerclasshumans #Environment #nye #fireworks #fireworkspets #PTSDAwareness #ptsd #intelligence #evolution #domination #dogowners #Dogs
Dogs: the only animal that will love you unconditionally also likes @rses.
In an effort to understand why #dogs like humans and @rseholes some #scientists did some serious research. People died during this study so pay attention. This is no joke!
#dogowner #dogowners #satire #cutepuppies #humour
Photo by Simona Kidrič: credit in article
#dogs #scientists #dogowner #dogowners #satire #cutepuppies #humour