“We should be optimistic not because we believe that our problems are smaller than we thought. We should be optimistic because we believe that our capacity to solve problems is greater than we thought.”
#livealgorithmfree #makeadifferenceworthmaking #dogreatthings #peaceandlove #thinkcaredo #choosekindness #ideasthatinspire #protopia #tedtalk #kevinkelly
#GoodMorning, @selzero...
I'm an #Individual in the #Company of the #CyborgWerewolfNinjaArmy
I have #NoPoliticalAffiliations; but, I am a #MostlyHuman #PartTimeWerewolf 83% #Robot #Humanoid with a #Range of #FunctionalCapabilities
Right now; I'm making: #SnafflyToast with #Marmalade...
Erm... There is also another #FreshPotOfCoffee on...
Just... #SoYouKnow...
#HaveAGreatDay and #DoGreatThings; or #Not...!
#goodmorning #aswellyouknow #individual #company #cyborgwerewolfninjaarmy #nopoliticalaffiliations #mostlyhuman #parttimewerewolf #robot #humanoid #Range #functionalcapabilities #snafflytoast #marmalade #freshpotofcoffee #soyouknow #justsaying #haveagreatday #dogreatthings #not
In a matter of hours, at least in the U.S., Valentine's Day commercials will air. Despite that, please make it an amazing 2023! #HappyNewYear #DoGreatThings
May you be happy, may you be safe, may you be healthy, may you live with ease.
A wish for all beings everywhere.
#DanHarris (26 July 1971)
#TEDTalk The benefits of not being a jerk to yourself (April 2022)
#makeadifferenceworthmaking #dogreatthings #peaceandlove #thinkcaredo #choosekindness #ideasthatinspire #tedtalk #danharris