Tag 12: Old game you still play: Als wirklich alt würde ich sie nicht unbedingt bezeichnen, aber ich würde sie immer noch spielen: #DogsInTheVineyard und #PrimetimeAdventures. Beide sind 2004 erschienen in der Indiespiele-Welle aus der Forge (ein Forum, in dem sehr viele Indie-Gamedesiger*innen unterwegs waren). Die Mechaniken beider Spiele waren für mich Augenöffner, die Resolution sozialer Konflikte war etwas komplett Neues für mich.
#RPGaDay #RPGaDay2023
#dogsinthevineyard #primetimeadventures #rpgaday #rpgaday2023
4. First TTRPG you bought from its creator: This question confuses me because of how many ttrpgs are published. Any of the games I've purchased could be from its creator if they get paid. The one that stands out to me most may be Erick Wujcik for #TMNTandOtherStrangeness or #AmberDiceless RPG.
If we are talking about indie games then I might say #SwashbucklersOfThe7Skies or #DogsInTheVineyard as I was late to the Forge party.
#gtkm #ttrpg #tmntandotherstrangeness #amberdiceless #swashbucklersofthe7skies #dogsinthevineyard
#ttrpg that were influential for me...
#DnD Mentzer red box, my first RPG
#VampireMasquerade, a game I played for years
#Shadowrun, one of my fav settings
#DogsInTheVineyard and #Annalise, for exploding my brain out of rpg-burnout
#MyLifeWithMaster and #Monsterhearts, for getting me into an RPG genre I dearly love: #GWEP! (Gut Wrenching Emo Porn 🤣)
#Fate and #ApocalypseWorld, for being awesome and having thought me much
#TheQuietYear and #Montsegur1244, because they just never fail
#ttrpg #DnD #vampiremasquerade #shadowrun #dogsinthevineyard #Annalise #mylifewithmaster #monsterhearts #gwep #fate #apocalypseworld #thequietyear #montsegur1244
@tabletophotdish Experienced, no, I only know them by reputation-- they're not high on my "to do" list.
Biggest one I know everyone loves is #Pendragon https://www.chaosium.com/pendragon/ and storygame peepaleeps swear by #DogsInTheVineyard
Examples of pagan faiths done really well... #RuneQuest is all I've got. Most other games I know just... don't... focus on religion which is generally to their benefit.
Though, speaking of D&D: https://www.enworld.org/threads/tales-of-wyre.58227/
Didn't play, but "experienced" for sure and 😍💋
#Pendragon #dogsinthevineyard #runequest
@hmonk so!
https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/274623 Dogs, by KN Obaugh is the rewritten rules text of the Vince Baker classic, done with permission, it allows people to use moral (not morale!) Based gameplay.
I thought you might value this knowledge as its a little bit of #TTRPGHistory
#dogsrpg #dogsinthevineyard #rewrittendogsinthevineyard #ttrpghistory
Looking forward to playing Dogs in the Vineyard on Sunday. Anyone else still playing this? I'm rusty on the mechanics, but remember my first time fondly.
#TTRPG #DogsInTheVineyard
@Meganook Dogs in the Vineyard and Burning Wheel taught me to say Yes or roll the dice, and to set failure stakes before a roll, the failure stakes not necessarily being "you don't do the thing." If that's in the ballpark of "failing forward" then yep, essential. I wouldn't run a game of any system without Say Yes and failure stakes.
#dogsinthevineyard #burningwheel