Babysitting my neighbors corgi puppy who has learned to fetch and catch! #dogsofmastidon
Today’s coworker is not thrilled with the time change and has resorted to sleeping on the job. #MonDog #mondog #Beagle #DogsOfMastidon
#dogsofmastidon #beagle #mondog
Goodnight everyone, from Apollo ❤️🐾💤 someone is a little tired tonight 😂 #dogsofmastidon #germanshepherd
#dogsofmastidon #germanshepherd
Glorious day in the PNW, nice hike through our local family forest. Grateful to my Tilda for making me get out on the trails everyday. #dogsofmastidon
Oliver waiting for a treat after running back when called. #DailyDoseOfOliver #DogsOfMastidon
#dailydoseofoliver #dogsofmastidon
Finished White Lotus this evening. Here’s a pic of Alfred the poodle watching Tanya’s shoot out. #WhiteLotus #DogsOfMastidon #poodle #dogs
#whitelotus #dogsofmastidon #poodle #dogs
We've been debating whether to have Myrtle's photo taken with Santa again this year, but there's just no improvement possible over last year's ridiculouslt funny shots. She's maybe 10 or 20 lbs heavier now, slightly taller and longer. Plus, these commemorate Myrtle's first holiday season with us. She was about 9 mos old.
#dailymyrtle #dogstodon #dogsofmastidon
#ZSHQ mid morning #ZombiePatrol. Much colder today wid a nasty 🇺🇲 Midwestern biting wind. Dis creepy pampas plant made #Zombie noises n kinda scared me. My investigation proved it to be zombie free. #DogsOfMastidon #Dogs
#zshq #zombiepatrol #zombie #dogsofmastidon #Dogs
One to get me moving and one to calm me down. They both are very good at their jobs.
#dogsofmastidon #dogs
Ted the Greyhound on his early morning inspection of the village. No squirrels this morning but a few cats were spotted. #dogsofmastidon #catonmastodon #CatsOfMatodon #greyhound #photography
#dogsofmastidon #catonmastodon #CatsOfMatodon #greyhound #photography