Siinä se nyt nukkuu, kun on herättänyt koko talon viideltä aamulla hepuloimalla lelujen ja puruluiden kanssa ympäri makuuhuonetta 😡😴 #koirat #dogs #dogsofmatodon #islanninlammaskoira #IcelandicSheepdog
#icelandicsheepdog #islanninlammaskoira #dogsofmatodon #dogs #koirat
Happy Birthday to the goooooodest boy 😊🩵!
#mastodogs #shepherd #dogs #dogsofmatodon
#mastodogs #shepherd #dogs #dogsofmatodon
Say "cheeeeese"
Ripley, then and now (well, a few months ago).
#Mondog #dogsofmatodon #cattledog
Sitting on a #snow couch in #Ottawa. #dogsofmatodon #doggo
#doggo #dogsofmatodon #ottawa #snow
My new Kromi puppy is getting most of my attention these days, but my old girl Kelly, a Lagotto Romagnolo, was a real star back in her salad days; she was a champion truffle hunter and took 2nd place in the 2017 Joriad, when she was already 10 years old -- great girl! (at almost 16 now, she wants nothing to do with the new puppy) #truffledogs #dogsofmatodon
Just 2 dogs playing in the Sea in #cornwall
#cornwall #labrador #dogs #dogsofmatodon
We miss this great bear of a doggo who we adopted for the last two years of his life. Circumstances now make another dog unlikely,but we are looking. #DogsOfMatodon
#JotainKivaa ennen unia.
#Ilotulitteet säikähtänyt ja karkuun lähtenyt #koira käveli itse poliisiasemalle #Leicester'issä, ja koki näin iloisen jälleennäkemisen hoomaniensa kanssa.
#koirat #dog #dogs #DogsOfMatodon #mastodogs
#jotainkivaa #ilotulitteet #koira #leicester #hyvaayota #koirat #dog #dogs #dogsofmatodon #mastodogs