I work at home, but still our dog is waiting the whole day for my wife and son to come home... #DogsOnMastodon
Liebe Katzen- & Hundefans, auch unsere liebsten Haustiere, können einmal kräftig zubeißen. Was dann zu tun ist, ist klar, ab in die Notaufnahme und zwar so schnell es geht. Abwarten, ist vor allem bei Katzenbissen, keine gute Idee 👉🏻 https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/gesundheit/Katzen-und-Hundebiss-Gefaehrliche-Infektionen-verhindern,tierbiss102.html
#caturday #catsonmastodon #hausarzte #infektionsgefahr #Sepsis #Notaufnahme #Krankenhaus #dogsonmastodon #haustiere #stubentiger
#caturday #catsonmastodon #hausarzte #infektionsgefahr #sepsis #notaufnahme #Krankenhaus #dogsonmastodon #haustiere #stubentiger
Katie with new hair-do, ready for her 15th high summer. #DogsOfMastodon #DogsOnMastodon #OldDogs
#olddogs #dogsonmastodon #dogsofmastodon
#dogsofmastodon #Dogsonmastodon #burohund #Officedog #Dogs
Heute is weltweiter #burohund Tag!
Wusstet Ihr, dass in Deutschland 47% aller Arbeitnehmenden, die in einem Büro arbeiten,
einen Hund haben? Und dass über ein Drittel der Angestellten bereit wären, für Bürohunde den Job zu wechseln? (Quelle: bv-bürohund.de)
Dann kommt doch zu uns!
Das ist DEVANI, unser neuer Gute-Laune-Beauftragten.
#dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #burohund #officedog #dogs #burohundtag23 #iamsolutions #iamsbenefits
Katie, enjoying her 15th summer. #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #LoveDogs #OldDogs. #dogstodon #dogs
#dogs #dogstodon #olddogs #lovedogs #dogsonmastodon #dogsofmastodon
Lady and Duchess knowing I'm about to head out to the office
#dogsonmastodon #dogslife #dogsofmastodon
#dogsonmastodon #dogslife #dogsofmastodon
Lady and Duchess: Before and after their groom.
While Lady is always content, Duchess isn't too pleased with her Poodle like appearance.
#dogslife #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #Dogsarefamily
#dogslife #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #dogsarefamily
Lady and Duchess after their visit to the vet. Lady was very brave for her annual immunisation, Duchess was not amused.
#dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon
#dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon
Lady and Duchess at Edithvale Beach
#dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #melbourne #beach
#dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #melbourne #beach
Totally and completely enjoying the lovely autumn day at the campsite and oblivious to the fall leaves falling on him, the Golden Retriever, snoozes without a care in the world.
Available here
#dog #pet #canine #puppy #DogsOfMastodon #DogsOnMastodon #MastoDogs #BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt #GoldenRetriever #animal #Retriever #peaceful #fall #autumn #mapleleaves #artwork #photography #artforsale
#dog #pet #canine #puppy #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #mastodogs #BuyIntoArt #springintoart #goldenretriever #animal #retriever #peaceful #fall #autumn #mapleleaves #artwork #photography #artforsale
Sleepyhead Sam. #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #AdoptDontShop #dogsoffediverse #mastodog
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #AdoptDontShop #dogsoffediverse #mastodog
Was am Ende des Regenbogens ist? Natürlich kein Topf mit Gold, das ist Blödfug - da ist nämlich Frau #Atelierhuetehund Malaika! ☺
#bordercollie #bordercollies #twitterRudel #mastoRudel #dogsOfMastodon #dogsOnMastodon
#dogsonmastodon #dogsofmastodon #mastorudel #twitterrudel #bordercollies #bordercollie #Atelierhuetehund
Look at me, look at me! #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #mastodog #AdoptDontShop
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #mastodog #AdoptDontShop
Lady and Duchess enjoying the sunshine and the sand at Port Melbourne Beach. Lady is quite an avid swimmer, Duchess is still a bit more apprehensive about the water
#dogsofmastodon #dogslife #dogsonmastodon #summer #beach #melbourne
#dogsofmastodon #dogslife #dogsonmastodon #summer #beach #melbourne
The guy in the left is in awe looking at what I imagine his brain thought as a flying dog
Tunneling to sneak ups on the eagle. Woofs.
#BaldEagle #Strand #Tunneling #Birds #NorthCoast #PNW #Dabi #DogsOfMasto #MastoDogs #MastodonDogs #DogsOnMastodon #DogsOfMastodon #SpanishShepherd #Woofs
#woofs #spanishshepherd #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #mastodondogs #mastodogs #dogsofmasto #Dabi #pnw #northcoast #Birds #Tunneling #Strand #baldeagle
This one is waiting for me to get my act together and go for a run.
Sunbathing beauty in February. #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #puppylove #AdoptDontShop #mastodog #doggo
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogsonmastodon #puppylove #AdoptDontShop #mastodog #doggo