Our #dog has three beds, two of which are opposite our sofa in the living room (first picture).
Our dog is not allowed on the sofa (and he knows this).
Picture two is the scene after I went to the bathroom for a minute.
#dogswillbedogs #dogsofmstdn #Dog
@calecodes I think my dogs consider me the automatic feeder. If I walk into the kitchen there's a mad dog rush to follow me and stare at me with the same kind of sad dog eyes I think your pupper is using to convince her feeder to give her food.
#DogsOfMastodon #DogsWillBeDogs
#dogswillbedogs #dogsofmastodon
Me, trying to sew the edges of a blanket by hand, but I have a demanding manager who is micromanaging and supervising every single stitch I make. SMH.🤦♀️
I actually have a sewing machine, but enjoy doing things by hand to distract me from things. But my boss is so F demanding. “You missed a stitch.”
I’m never getting paid.
#LagottosWithJobs #LagottosOfMastodon #LagottoRomagnolo #Dogstodon #DogsWithJobs #DogsOfTheFediverse #DogsOfMstdn #MastoDogs #Dogs #DogsOfMastodon #DogsWillBeDogs #DogsWhoDGAF
#dogswhodgaf #dogswillbedogs #dogsofmastodon #Dogs #mastodogs #dogsofmstdn #dogsofthefediverse #dogswithjobs #dogstodon #LagottoRomagnolo #lagottosofmastodon #lagottoswithjobs
This little monster right here, one minute after giving me literal whiplash by taking out my legs from under me at full barrel speed downhill 😑😅
#DogsOfMastdodon #dogs #DogsWillBeDogs #AustralianCattleDog #DogLife
#DogLife #australiancattledog #dogswillbedogs #Dogs #dogsofmastdodon
@Normdeplume I see your dogs like to drag blankets onto the floor and abandon them ... our pups must be talking to each other in the doggo-universe.
Pajama wearing dog just chillin’ in a cat tree #DogsofMastodon #DogsWillBeDogs #DogYOLO
#dogyolo #dogswillbedogs #dogsofmastodon
Hurry up, it’s snack time!
#DogsWillBeDogs #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogstodon #DogToots #woof #dachshund #doggy #cagnolini #cani #bassotto
#Bassotto #cani #cagnolini #doggy #dachshund #woof #dogtoots #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon #Dogs #dogswillbedogs
Noises coming from the kitchen downstairs suggest my dog is up to no good. I’m trying to decide what to do about it.
@kdelucca30 We're looking forward to tonight to see chapter 2 ... will he act as cautiously or is it now just "time to jump up"? Will sister Sky join him? She's usually the leader but she was busy munching on her deer antler last night after having taken it from Ghost.