If your walks are not this fun, get your humans to move to Sheffield! 🐕 #Saffron #Labradoodle #dogsofmastodon #petsofmastodon #sheffieldissuper #dogtalk
#dogtalk #sheffieldissuper #petsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #labradoodle #saffron
Teddy doesn’t care about politics but she does care about YOU because she’s a good dog. Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl 🎁. #dogsofmastodon #dogs #dog #dogtalk #teddy
#teddy #dogtalk #dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon
@BigWagsChicago Some things I say to my dogs that probably don’t make sense to them are:
1. “Stop eating the scraps off the ground; you’ll get sick!”
2. “We’re going for a long walk today, not a short one.”
Let's play a game, y'all!
What are some of the weird things you say to your dogs? We all have those things that we say to our pups that wouldn't make sense in most contexts. So let's hear yours (bonus points if you include pictures of your pups)! I'll start:
1. "Chester, stop humping your brother's head!"
2. "Good poopin', boys!"
Your turn!
#dogsofmastodon #dogtalk #doggames #huskymix
This is my sweet sweet friend last night while we were talking about our ageing dogs
#spaceexploration #billionaires #dogs #dogtalk #doglove
New Podcast: How We Train
I discuss how we train dogs at Happy Dog Training in this episode. Over the last five years, our approach has shifted to play-based training. Learn why.
#podcast #dogtalk #dog #dogs #science #dogsofmastodon #dogtraining #dogtrainer #happydogtraining #RalfWeberCDT
#podcast #dog #dogs #science #dogsofmastodon #dogtraining #dogtrainer #happydogtraining #ralfwebercdt #dogtalk
Staring down a fly 🪰🐕 It wouldn’t buzz off 🐶
#dogsofmastodon #dogs #dogtalk #doggosdoingthings #dogsthatplay #dogsrule #dogslover #doglife #ilovemydog #saltywavedog
#saltywavedog #ilovemydog #DogLife #dogslover #dogsrule #dogsthatplay #doggosdoingthings #dogtalk #dogs #dogsofmastodon