On April 21, 2010, Dogtooth was screened at the Nashville Film Festival. Here’s some fan art!
#Dogtooth #Dogtooth2009 #YorgosLanthimos #ChristosStergioglou #Kynodontas #DramaFim #GreekFilm #IndieFilm #PsychologicalDrama #PsychologicalThriller #BlackComedy #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#dogtooth #dogtooth2009 #yorgoslanthimos #christosstergioglou #kynodontas #dramafim #greekfilm #indiefilm #psychologicaldrama #psychologicalthriller #blackcomedy #art #movieart #moviehistory
“Dente Canino”, de Yorgos Lanthimos, no Mubi.
#greekfilm #dogtooth #yorgoslanthimos
#Dogtooth, #2009, is the most bizarre and disturbing #movie I've seen in a long time.
It's played light but from the start there's a psychological violence that's shown to have physical and sexual components as well.
Nothing is normal in this family's life but it's all treated as if it's not just normal, but ideal.
Unsettling and unnerving in every scene, not even the ending gives relief, just more dread.
Technically it's not #horror, but it's horrifying.
I watched #Dogtooth https://boxd.it/3RubDp. Weird experience. #cinemastodon #movies #FilmMastodon #film #mastomovies #filmbubble #FilmMastodon #cinema #mubi
#mubi #cinema #filmbubble #mastomovies #Film #FilmMastodon #Movies #cinemastodon #dogtooth