She's very confused as to how she is seated on the window seat yet not looking out the window.
Captain Fatarse of the Neighborhood Watch wishes you all a good evening.
Except that Golden Retriever who just walked by because fuck that dog and his audacity.
Nosey NcNoseypants, head of Neighborhood Watch, wishes you a good night.
Colorful Dogue de Bordeaux with his mouth open in blue, yellow and red
#dog #dogbreed #doguedebordeaux #frenchmastiff #largedog #dogprofile #musculardog #colorfuldog #blue #yellow #red #dogart #painteddog #mastiff #buyintoart #ayearforart #artseller #wallart
#wallart #artseller #ayearforart #buyintoart #mastiff #painteddog #dogart #red #yellow #blue #colorfuldog #musculardog #dogprofile #largedog #frenchmastiff #doguedebordeaux #dogbreed #dog
9 raças de cães mastiff mais poderosas! # shorts
#9raçasdecãesmastiffmaispoderosas #Boerboel #bullmastiff #bullykutta #cachorro #cachorros #cães #cãesdeguardaeproteção #cãesderaça #cãespoderosos #candecorso #dog #doguedebordeaux #floridogbrasil #Inu #mastiffinglês #mastimnapolitano #mastimtibetano #PresaCanario #raçasdecachorros #raçasdecães #tosainu #ナポリタン・マスティフ
#ナポリタン・マスティフ #tosainu #racasdecaes #racasdecachorros #presacanario #mastimtibetano #mastimnapolitano #mastiffingles #inu #floridogbrasil #doguedebordeaux #dog #candecorso #caespoderosos #caesderaca #caesdeguardaeprotecao #caes #cachorros #cachorro #bullykutta #bullmastiff #Boerboel #9racasdecaesmastiffmaispoderosas
From Canadian Animal Blood Bank:
#DidYouKnow that certain breeds are more likely to have the blood type #DEA1Negative? Here's the list:
#americanbulldog #airedaleterrier #donateblood #dogsdonate #Canada #weimaraner #standardpoodle #siberianhusky #greatpyrenees #pitbull #oldenglishsheepdog #newfoundland #lurcher #irishwolfhound #germanshorthairedpointer #germanshepherddog #englishbullterriergreyhound #doguedebordeaux #doberman #bulldog #boxer #dea1negative #didyouknow